Marcelo Pereira Lima
Relations of power and juridical norms: the council decrees of Calahorra e La Calzada diocese’s under the bishop of D. Almoravid (1287-1300)
Relações de poder e normas jurídicas: os decretos conciliares da diocese de Calahorra e La Calzada sob o bispado de D. Almoravid (1287-1300)
Published in Ramon Llull (1232-1316): the cooperation among different cultures and the inter-religious dialogue
Keywords: Keywords: Calahorra and La Calzada, clergy, D. Almoravid, discourse, Jews, juridical norms, power relations.
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This paper speaks about the juridical discourses present in the sinodal decrets of Calahorra and La Calzada in the end of XIII th century. The objective of our work is to stress the relations between the episcopal institutions and their legislative practices. In the historical and political perspective, we have chosen a specific group of tematics: the clerical reformation and the question of their ordination; the sacramental life; the norms about the Jewish Communities; and, finally, the determinations about beneficial matter of the clergy.