Ronaldo AMARAL
The end of time (or times) as end of the History. A discussion about the mutations of the conception and perception of the Time between the last old period and the coming of the Christianity
O fim do(s) tempo(s) como o fim da História. Uma discussão sobre as mutações da concepção e percepção do Tempo entre o último período antigo e o advento do Cristianismo
Published in The Time and the Eternity in the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Keywords: History, Mutations, Perception, Time, Transition.
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The mutations/continuities that marked the transition of the old thought for the Christian were multiple and deep, and so much in the ambit of the ideas as of the sensibilities. And here the time. Perhaps for this time conception and perception, resulted of that couple mutations/continuities, giving emphasis here verified them mutations, have been the most significant contribution for the constitution of a new worldview in the breast of the Christian society, since it would impose to the followers no less than the man's own place in the world and of the world in the man, and of both in the ambit of God.