Marcos Roberto Nunes COSTA
Time and Eternity in Saint Augustine
Tempo e Eternidade em Santo Agostinho
Published in The Time and the Eternity in the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Keywords: Eternity, Manichaeism, Neoplatonism, Saint Augustine, Time.
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Every Augustinian disputation regarding to time - eternity relation arises from the need of combating the Manicheans and, by indirection, all those ones that affirmed, asserted world eternity, that denied ex nihilo Jewish - Christian Creation principle. Saint Augustine, departing from Genesis Scriptural Book in order to present a revelational founding and neoplatonic philosophy, in order to impart philosophic maintenance to the above - mentioned thesis, has ended up by moving away from not only Manichaeism, but from Neo-Platonism itself which has worked as philosophical foundation for contesting those ones.