Mafalda Maria Leal de Oliveira e Silva FRADE
The feminine imaginary in Virtuosa Benfeitoria and its mediation between Man and Paradise
O imaginário feminino na Virtuosa Benfeitoria e sua mediação entre o Homem e o Paraíso
Published in Paradise, Purgatory and Hell: the Religiosity in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Keywords: Infant D. Pedro, Middle Ages, Virgin Mary, Virtuosa Benfeitoria, Woman.
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The main goal of this research is to study the female imagery in the medieval work Virtuosa Benfeitoria, written by Infante D. Pedro and based on Seneca’s book De Beneficiis. In this text, there are various ideas about the status of women, conveyed by three specific groups: the Graces, the six maidens and the Virgin Mary. Given the religiosity of Middle Ages, the latter is given a leading role (despite the mythological influences of the three Graces and the allegory of the six maidens): she is the epitome of perfection and is responsible for an important role of mediation between Man and Heaven.