Bento Silva SANTOS
The Gottesgeburtszyklus by Master Eckhart: the fundamental mystic of “birth of God in soul” (Sermons 101 to 104)
O Gottesgeburtszyklus de Meister Eckhart: a mística fundamental do “nascimento de Deus na alma” (Sermões 101 a 104)
Published in Mystic and Millenarianism in Middle Ages
Keywords: Keywords: God, Master Eckhart, Medieval Philosophy, soul.
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This work analyses the famous sermons of “the birth of God in soul” (101-104), wrote in Middle High German by Master Eckhart, one of the main themes of his studies about the “fundamental mystic”. In the words of the Rhine master has been an unequivocally mystic and will to be free of psychological horizon of human subjectivity, as an expression to God and to soul’s union with the divinity. Eckhart affirmed in these sermons the intellectual necessity of “internalize itself”, i.e., the intellect would come back to his “essence”. Thus, it will perform the “birth of God in soul”. How it happens to Eckhart? The coronation of God’s action into the “deep of soul” will resemble to the top of “knowledge unknown”, it means, a condition of “epistemic obscurity” to the intellect. Therefore, the absence of knowledge is the condition for the union with the deity (Gottheit): we can’t see God unless by the blindness. We can’t know him unless by the “unknowledge”. The “return” from the multiply world to the indistinct One means to pass from the condition of know to the unknown; It means yet the transition between the created being to the nonbeing of God until culminate the nonbeing of deity. This is the condition of this “birth”.