Renata Cristina de Sousa NASCIMENTO
The Funeral in the Monastery of Batalha
As Exéquias Fúnebres no Mosteiro da Batalha
Published in Monastic and Scholastic Philosophy in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Keywords: Death, Imaginary, Pantheon, Rites, Symbolic Power.
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2013_01_13.pdfThe aim of this article is to analyze the funeral rites as a power representation. In this path was elected the narratives about the royal exequies occurred at Santa Maria da Vitória’s (Batalha) Monastery in XV century. The chronics talks about the importance of the funeral’s cerimonials happened at the Monastery. The “departure” of kings also showed the great religious pomp lived in the interior of the batalinho yard to D. João II. The Royal Pantheon of the Battle has a great symbolic and political importance, specially related to Avis’ Dinasty (1385-1581).