Daniele Gallindo Gonçalves SILVA
Functionalizing the feminine: the 'unnamed'sister-queen-mother-wifepenitent in Gregorius by Hartmann von Aue
Funcionalizando o feminino: a irmã-rainha-mãe-esposa-penitente ‘sem nome’ em Gregorius de Hartmann von Aue
Published in Mulier aut Femina. Idealism or reality of women in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Keywords: Gregorius, Middle High German Literature, Namenforschung.
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2013_02_16.pdfBased on the theoretical Namenforschung by Friedhelm Debus and the Gender research by Judith Butler, this paper discusses the relationship established between the male character, theme of the narrative, and his mother/wife. Thus, our focus of analysis is the unnamed female character of Gregorius of Hartmann von Aue. We intend, therefore, to prove that there is a functionalization of this feminine in the work in question.