Alexandre Emerick NEVES, Sabrina Vieira LITTIG
The allegorical representation in the Bad Women by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828): narrative and iconological analysis
A representação alegórica na obra Mulher Má de Francisco de Goya (1746-1828): análise narrativa e iconológica
Published in Art, Criticism and Mysticism
Keywords: Keywords: Allegory, Francisco de Goya, Iconography, Sorceress.
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20-08.pdfWe present a study about of allegorical elements of representation from female figure in the work Bad Woman by Francisco de Goya y Lucientes. Through stemming images of popular imagination that throw themselves in time and serve to reinforce decadent social stereotypes, we propose a brief discussion of the allegory its significant and symbolic structures. The iconological approach of some narrative aspects of these artistic formulations indicates how the popular imagination contributed to the development of the witch myth, creature represented as evil reference by the artists of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, pernicious enemy of religious and moral structures. We emphasize the symbolic and conceptual relationships in the modern development of these figures in Goya's work.