Thana Mara de SOUZA, Bruno Abilio GALVÃO
Archaeology and his break: the need for genealogy and the appearance of power relations in Michel Foucault thinking
A arqueologia e seu rompimento: a necessidade de uma genealogia e o aparecimento das relações de poder no pensamento de Michel Foucault
Published in Art, Criticism and Mysticism
Keywords: Keywords: Archaeology, Genealogy, Knowledge, power, Speech.
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Breaking the boundaries of archeology is the result of a long trajectory of Foucault’s thought that in L’Archéologie du savoir, becomes unable to analyze the new issues that arise: the subject and social grounds relating to the choices of themes and theories that make certain discourse. The question of the subject presented in archaeological history from the beginning, in Histoire de la Folie, linked to the concept of historical a priori, as it always refers to a “someone” involved in discursive practices. But the “social foundation” appears in L’archéologie du savoir when Foucault investigates the strategic formations of a speech. From that moment, to explain the emergence of knowledge linked with social practices in which the subject is inserted, Foucault opts for a genealogy of power. So the aim of our work is to show how the breaking of boundaries of archeology, a fact that drives Foucault to look at the thought of Nietzsche, genealogy as a method that provides continuing with their studies occurs. As we reach the archaeological limit Foucault entering his genealogical period, we will see the emergence of the issue of power and its relation to the discursive practices presented during the term of archeology.