An internal analysis of Heidegger’s ontological dasein: the external criticism of Edith Stein
Un analisis interno del dasein ontológico de Heidegger: críticas externas de Edith Stein
Published in Art, Criticism and Mysticism
Keywords: Keywords: Edith Stein, Heidegger, Impracticability, Ontological Dasein.
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20-18.pdfAccordingly with Walter Biemel, when he asserts that “We can either view this thinking [Heidegger’s philosophy] from outside and seek to analize and critize it or we can endeavor to understand it from within”, my own aim in this paper, nontheless, shall not choose any of these exclusive approaches, but rather attempts to do both. Thus, I would like to enter into Heidegger’s philosophy to undertand and appretiate the positive dimention, perhaps hidden, of his view about the Dasein, to show in turn that the wishful ascent of Dasein in his path to being, as Heidegger proposed suffers from a lack of practicality. In other words, we shall emphasize first the novelty of Heidegger’s research on the self: as an ontological self par excellence, and secondly, we shall review insufficient or impractical aspects of his view, which follow from Edith Stein’s critique.