Clínio de Oliveira AMARAL, João Guilherme Lisbôa RANGEL
The Circulation of the Legenda Aurea in Portugal: a case study on D. Fernando’s hagiography
A circulação da Legenda Aurea em Portugal: estudo de caso da hagiografia do D. Fernando
Published in Manifestations of the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Keywords: Circulation, Infante Santo, Legenda Aurea, Portugal.
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The notion of mobility, at any point in history, is very wide. In order to comprehend it in the Middle Ages, we chose to analyze it through its circulation in written texts. Therefore, the objective of this article is to demonstrate the circulation of A Legenda Aurea in Portugal during the second half of the 15th century. In order to do so, we will present number of possible influences of this text on the Trautado da vida e feitos do muito vertuoso S.or. Infante D. Fernando, a hagiography written by the friar João Álvares in 1450 with the purpose of promoting the royal sanctity of the infant d. Fernando, known as Infante Santo since then.