The Paradise in Lo somni by Bernat Metge (c. 1340-1413)
El Paradís en Lo somni de Bernat Metge (c. 1340-1413)
Published in Returning to Eden
Keywords: Keywords: Bernat Metge, Humanism, Llibre del gentil e dels tres savis, Lo somni, Ramon Llull.
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The concept of Paradise is analyzed in Lo somni, the great humanist dialogue by the notary of the chancellery of Barcelona, Bernat Metge, from the perspective of different religions and traditions (Catholic, Classical, Saracen doctrine and Christianity). The observation also makes it possible to calibrate the strong influence of the Mallorca Philosopher Ramon Llull, who is confirmed behind the origins of the humanist movement, as well as underlines the very peculiar techniques, the intensity of his critical sense and especially the intimate classicist bond. Still, he advances positions which are current issues.