Hélio Angotti-Neto
The Symbolic and Moral Interpretation of the Hippocratic Oath
A Interpretação Simbólica e Moral do Juramento Hipocrático
Published in Mirabilia Journal
Keywords: Keywords: Aristotle, Hippocrates, Hippocratic Oath, History of Medicine, Medical Humanities.
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The Hippocratic Oath remains as one of the most famous ethical texts in Medical Ethics and Bioethics. The objective of this essay is to clarify its poetic and symbolic interpretations, searching for the adequate comprehension of the Oath using a critical narrative approach with the Aristotelian Theory of the Four Discourses and the interpretation of its direct, indirect, specific and general moral prescriptions. The Oath is a poetic text, which can be used to cause a powerful impression upon the new physician, helping in his moral education and in his commitment with the moral community of Medicine. This analysis makes evident that the Hippocratic Oath still can be used for medical education and professional inspiration, rather than just be discarded as a historical curiosity. The conclusion is that the Oath can be approached more properly with specific literary and philosophical tools that can decode its meanings to better comprehension for the contemporary physician.