Alienora Dei gratia regina Anglie. The potestas of the English queen Eleanor of Castile (1241-1290): status quaestionis
Alienora Dei gratia regina Anglie. La potestas de la reina Leonor de Castilla (1241-1290): status quaestionis
Published in Music in Antiquity, Middle Ages & Renaissance
Keywords: Keywords: Eleanor of Castile, England, Historiography, Potestas, Queenship.
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The aim of this article is to analyse from a historiographic point of view the potestas of Eleanor of Castile (1241-1290), Queen of England. It studies her activity before she became queen and the extent to which it influenced her subsequent exercise of power. This power is analysed by evaluating the different mechanisms that were used by the queen: mediation and intercession, marriage policy, her influence in the court, her cultural activity, her intervention in the internal and international policy… The political biography of this consort still shows many gaps and questions, something that opens a wide range of possibilities that we believe should be highlighted.