The dignity of the body, of woman, of love and pleasure. Brief analysis in the great humanist works of the Crown of Aragon
La dignitat del cos, de la dona, de l’amor i del plaer. Breu anàlisi en les grans obres humanistes de la Corona d’Aragó
Published in Rhythms, expressions and representations of the body
Keywords: Keywords: Commedia, Curial e Güelfa, Decameron, Lo somni.
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This observation aims to outline quantitative nuances about the notion of the body and senses from the great humanist works of the Crown of Aragon: The dream of Bernat Metge (1399) and the Curial and Güelfa (ca. 1458), for the purpose of approach the evolutionary line of the Humanism since the beginning. It demands to go back to the literary sources and the ascendancy of that ideological renewal, which will lead to Dante. This route is of interest to follow the first humanist achievements, of which we obtain very pure samples in these Italo-Catalan origins, marked by a stamp of mixture, sensual and moral, that characterizes them. Finally, we will conclude by pointing out the fleetingness of the humanistic purity that these two works contain.