Pedro Carlos Louzada FONSECA
The mulier of Saint Isidore of Seville and the Fathers of the Church. Aristolelian configurations
A mulier de Santo Isidoro de Sevilha e os Padres da Igreja. Configurações aristotélicas
Published in Games from Antiquity to Baroque
Keywords: Keywords: Aristotle, Fathers of the Church, Middle Ages, Theology and Religious Doctrine.
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This article examines the presence of postulates of Ancient Science presented by Aristotle about the anatomy and physiology of the parents in the generation of animals in his book Generatione animalium [Generation of animals], which starts from the biology of the genders to reach ideological values about the male and the female. female, Widespread in the Middle Ages, the teachings of Aristotle influenced the thought and religious literature of the period of the so-called Fathers of the Church. Through comparison, the article traces of this Aristotelian theme in Saint Isidore of Seville, Saint Anselm, and Saint Thomas Aquinas with the critical purpose of concluding that the theology and morals of religious doctrine were in many respects debtors of the classical legacy of Greek Antiquity, very well represented by the well-known Stagirite.