Armando Alexandre dos SANTOS; Ricardo da COSTA
The Kingdom of the Spirit in the transcendence of the image of Christ. The Good Shepherd in Early Christian Art (3rd-4th centuries)
O Reino do Espírito na transcendência da imagem de Cristo. O Bom Pastor na Arte Paleocristã (sécs. III-IV)
Published in The Kingdom of the Spirit
Keywords: Keywords: Good Shepherd, History of Art, Paleochristian Art, Sarcophagus.
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The aim of the work is to analyze the iconographic theme of the Good Shepherd (Jo 10, 6-15) in Paleochristian Art (III-VI centuries) and the reasons for its popularity. Our methodology will be comparative: documents and images from the same period, with an interpretative emphasis on carved scenes in three Roman sarcophagi from the 3rd and 4th centuries.