The tree and the light. Signs and significances in the Llibre d’amic e amat by Ramon Llull
L’arbre i la llum. Signes i significacions al Llibre d’amic e amat de Ramon Llull
Published in New Approaches in the Research on the Crown of Aragon
Keywords: Llibre d’amic e amat, Mysticism, Ramon Llull, Sign, Significance.
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All the creatures are divided into signs and significates: all signs are things, and, in addition, there are significant. In the Middle Ages, the world is a place of theophanys and, therefore, all creatures and all creation are sign of God. Thus, the signs become a fundamental element of a medieval culture and, obviously, they also play an important role in the literature of the time. In this work, we suggest proposing identifying and analyzing two of the elements that have an important significance in the Llibre d'amic i amat by Ramon Llull: the tree and the light. This element serves the hermit (l’amic) in the cam to the search of God (l’amat), since they are at the service of the first Llull intention: to love, to understand and to serve God.