Introduction to the conflict between the tailors and the pellers in modern foral Valencia
Introducció a les conflictivitats gremials entre sastres i pellers en la València foral moderna
Published in Life and Thought, Religiosity and Conflict, Pleasure and Crime on Both Sides of the Mediterranean (the Crown of Aragon and Acre)
Keywords: Conflict, Decline, Disobedience, Guilds.
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10.naomiboigues.pdfWe are in the modern Valencia of the 16th century where the powers to achieve the trade union control encouraged the tensions between the closest professional groups, which had the objective of gaining ground within the complex world of craftsmanship. There are many guilds that confronted each other, but however, the tailors and pellers lawsuits have been considered as one of the most important processes and the longest historical route of trade-union unrest in the city of Valencia. The processes arranged chronologically from 1535 to 1695 will be key to understanding the reasons for the conflict, the arguments used by each guild and how they acted in this regard, to analyze who were the most affected and explain the solutions. This analysis will allow us to understand tailors and pellers trade in more detail, to realize the main characteristics of each guild and discern the historical evolution of each one of them in a closer way. A first study, which helps us to understand the importance of guild conflicts between these two trades and helps us to look beyond disobedience.