Preface: Again the war. Always the war
Ricardo da Costa
Original title: Prefácio: Novamente a guerra. Sempre a guerra
Presentation: Guerra y Cavallería, una historia singular
José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec
Original title: Presentació: Guerra y Cavallería, una historia singular
The Bellvm Africvm and the construction of the image of Julius Caesar Imperator
Michele Eduarda Brasil de Sá
Original title: O Bellvm Africvm e a construção da imagem do Imperator Júlio César
Keywords: Bellum Africum, Julius Caesar, imperator.
The war in Epitoma rei militaris by Flavius Vegetius: between christian faith and barbarian pressure
Raphael Leite Teixeira
Original title: A guerra no Epitoma rei militaris de Flávio Vegécio (séc. IV d.C.): entre a fé cristã e a pressão bárbara
Keywords: Basileia, Late roman army, Military history, Vegetius.
Bella Civilia: the civil wars in the Merovingian Gaul by Gregogy of Tours vision
Edmar Checon de Freitas
Original title: Bella Civilia: as guerras civis na Gália Merovíngia na visão de Gregório de Tours
Keywords: Civil Wars, Gregory of Tours, Merovingian Gaul.
The "cinocephalus" and the "úlfheðnar": the representation of the wolf-warrior in the Historia Langobardorum (VIII century) and in the Egils saga (c. 1230)
Renan Marques Birro and Jardel Modenesi Fiorio
Original title: Os Cynocephalus e os Úlfheðnar: a representação do guerreiro canídeo na Historia Langobardorum (séc. VIII) e na Egils saga (c. 1230)
Keywords: Icelanders, Lombards, Middle Ages, Myths, War.
The war in Waltharius
Gabriela Monti
Original title: La guerra en el Waltharius (vv. 644-1061)
Keywords: Enemies, Waltharius, hero.
Judes Macabeo: from hero of Old Testament to hero of medieval chivalry
Vinicius Cesar Dreger de Araújo
Original title: Judas Macabeu: de herói do Antigo Testamento a herói da cavalaria medieval
Keywords: Culture, Judas Maccabeys, chivalry.
Riding in the plains of southern Iberian Peninsula, in the "brida" and "jineta" ways – saddles, harnesses and the protection of the Christian and Muslim rider
Franklin Pereira
Original title: A monta "à brida" e "à jineta" nas planícies da Península Ibérica – selas, arreios e protecção do cavaleiro cristão e muçulmano
Keywords: Islam, Leather shields, Saddles, chivalry.
Trutesendo Guterres, an portucalense infanção by XI century
Sérgio Carlos Ferreira
Original title: Trutesendo Guterres, um infanção portucalense do século XI
Keywords: Nobility, Portugal, Property.
The Vece of Novgorod after the revolution of 1136
Aldo C. Marturano
Original title: La Vece novgorodese dopo la "rivoluzione" del 1136 d. C.
Keywords: Boyars, Lord Novgorod the Great, Posadnik.
The medieval chivalry and the first formation of the James I as chivalry-king in the Llibre dels Fets (c. 1252-1274)
Luciano José Vianna
Original title: A cavalaria medieval e a formação inicial de Jaime I como rei cavaleiro no Llibre dels Fets (c. 1252-1274)
Keywords: James I, Llibre dels Fets, chivalry.
The noble and the poor cavalry: two lulian's perspectives
Tatyana Nunes Lemos
Original title: O nobre e o "pobre" cavaleiro: duas perspectivas lulianas
Keywords: Ramon Llull, Virtues and Vices.
The Peace and the War, the War and the Peace in Marsilio of Padua
Moisés Romanazzi Tôrres
Original title: A Paz e a Guerra, a Guerra e a Paz em Marsílio de Pádua
Keywords: Marsiglio of Padua, Peace, War.
The Knights, Infantry (Peonage), Crossbowman in the Middle Ages as the Customary Laws the local communities of Guarda, Santarém, Évora and Beja in Portugal
Alice Tavares Durán
Original title: El estatuto de los Caballeros Villanos, Peones y Ballesteros en la Edad Media, según los Fueros Extensos de los concejos portugueses de Guarda, Santarém, Évora y Beja
Keywords: Crossbowman, Customary Law, Infantry (Peonage), Knights.
A Knight Deployed in the Border in the Service of King Peter IV of Aragon: Pedro Jiménez de Samper (1347-1364)
Mario Lafuente Gómez
Original title: Pedro Jiménez de Samper, un caballero de frontera al servicio de Pedro IV de Aragón (1347-1364)
Keywords: 14th century, Kingdom of Aragon, Peter IV of Aragon, War.
The war in the Crónica del Rey Don Pedro by the Chancellor López de Ayala
Cecilia Devia
Original title: La guerra en la Crónica del Rey Don Pedro del Canciller López de Ayala
Keywords: Chronicles, Middle Ages, War.
Childhood and Adolescence of a Knight: Gawain in Arthurian Castilian Literature
Antonio Contreras Martín
Original title: La infancia y adolescencia de un caballero: Galván en la Literatura Artúrica castellana
Keywords: Arthurian Castilian Literature, Childhood and Adolescence, Gawain.
The Christian marvelous in the Mexico-Tenochtitlan conquest (1519-1521)
Guilherme Queiroz de Souza
Original title: O maravilhoso cristão na conquista de México-Tenochtitlán (1519-1521)
Keywords: Conquest of México-Tenochtitlán, Marvelous Christian, Spaniards.
The expansion at the sea in Portuguese's chronicles (XV-XVI centuries)
Luciana Fontes Parzewski
Original title: A expansão marítima na cronística portuguesa (sécs. XV-XVI): Gomes Eanes de Zurara, Fernão Lopes de Castanheda e João de Barros
Keywords: East and Expansion, Portuguese chronicles.
The war as a metaphor in the religious art in Middle Ages
María Laura Montemurro
Original title: La guerra como metáfora en el arte religioso de la Edad Media
Keywords: Christianity, Medieval Art, Military Iconography.