Jerusalem has to be free and God has to be loved: Bernard of Clairvaux between Second Crusade and Cistercian Mystic
Jerusalém há de ser liberada e Deus há de ser amado: Bernardo de Claraval entre a Segunda Cruzada e a Mística Cisterciense
Published in The Middle Ages and the Crusades
Keywords: Keywords: Bernard of Clairvaux, Love to God, Mystic, Second Crusade.
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The XIIth century has been one of the most lively, turbulent and creative time of Middle Age. The reformation of the church, begun on first half of the XIth century, reaches its result, most of all in monastic sphere. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) was a great action man, incarnating the religious spirit of his epoch, and one of the founders of medieval mystic too. Preacher of the Second Crusade, which failed, wrote on De diligendo Deo the syntheses of his mystic experience that is also a summa of monastic experience as a whole.