“Checkmate to the time, the forms and the place…”. Meister Eckhart between flowing of time and stillness of Eternity
“Xeque-mate ao tempo, às formas e ao lugar...”. Mestre Eckhart entre o fluir do tempo e o remanso da Eternidade
Published in The Time and the Eternity in the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Keywords: birth of logos, Eternity, fullness, instant, Time.
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The conception of time in Eckhart’s reflection is a fundamental point that joins the thought of German Dominican: the metaphysic model of development of being overcomes the concepts of time and eternity, leading plurality into One, the duplex esse into unum esse, the temporal into timeless. The illustration of the main features of this rational path, here, is done starting from the poem Granum sinapis, which condenses the main themes of philosophicaltheological speculation of Thüringen, among of that there’s the issue of time.