Preface. Will ultimately aesthetic feeling the bones of the historian?
Ricardo da Costa
Original title: Será finalmente o sentimento estético a ossatura do historiador?
Literature and History in the Medieval Education
Ana Aparecida Arguelho de SOUZA
Original title: Literatura e História na Educação Medieval
Keywords: History, Languages, Literature, Society, education.
The current article presents an analysis of medieval literature, as languages that express a period in the history and thus reveal real life and education in a society characterized by the Catholic church seal. Through all forms and modalities of language that we learnt the long development of humanity in the history construction and in this case, we will deal with texts of medieval literature from several extracts of feudal society as expressions of pedagogical possibilities of human development in such a society.
The chivalrous ideal of Saint Bernard in The Holy Grail Demand
Ademir Luiz da SILVA
Original title: O ideal cavaleiresco de São Bernardo em A Demanda do Santo Graal
Keywords: Bernard of Clairvaux, Knight Templar Order, Medieval Literature, Middle Ages, The Holy Grail Demand.
The Knight Templar Order was established in Palestine, between 1118 and 1119, after the Christian victory on the First Great Crusades, aiming to protect the palmeiros visitors at the Holy Sites. By fits and starts the former warrior monks reached fame and under Bernardo de Claraval intellectual tutorage the Templar was soon spread throughout Europe. The demand, the quest symbol, replaced the crusade sentiment. The literary meaning of these standards, including the joaquimita millenarian strong influence, can be found in Portuguese version of the French feat novel The Holy Grail Demand.
Pedro I and Enrique II of Castile: the construction of a monstrous king and the legitimization of a usurper in the Chronicle of Chancellor Ayala
Cecilia DEVIA
Original title: Pedro I y Enrique II de Castilla: la construcción de un rey monstruoso y la legitimación de un usurpador en la Crónica del canciller Ayala
Keywords: Castile, Chronicles, Enrique II of Castile, Late Middle Ages, Pedro I of Castile, Violence.
To justify the confrontation between Pedro I and Enrique II of Castile, culminating in the murder of an unquestionably legitimate king in hands of his usurper brother, the chronicler Pero Lopez de Ayala build gradually a negative and somehow monstrous of Pedro I. Meanwhile, he attempts to prove that the count of Trastámara does not dethrones Pedro because of a personal ambition and breaking the rules, instead, he seems to be prevented to carry out with the mission of saving the kingdom from the terrible ills caused by the monstrous actions of his stepbrother. We will analyze the dichotomy between the negative and irrational portrait that Chancellor Ayala, one of the biggest responsible for that Pedro will be remembered as “Rey Cruel”- builds with skill, and what the practices he reveals says themselves. A meticulous scrutiny of the documents reveals a policy of regional power building through practices in which different functions of violence. Ware involved: economic, socializing, with exchange, symbolic, of justice, foundational, cultural, etc. We present here what might be called a cross dichotomy, which would face two internally contradictories terms: a monstrous but legitimate king against a usurper who is a providence’s instrument. What the construction realized by the trastamarist propaganda would have made, which from the chancellor Ayala would be the most brilliant exponent, is the conversion of a legitimate king in a illegitimate one, by nature of its own monstrosity, and the conversion of a usurper who -as shows the definition itself, is illegitimate- in a legitimate king, in function of the realization of a divine mission.
A comparative Anthropology and traditional music of the Berber and galician-portuguese peoples. A cultural approach between the West, PreIslam and north African Islam
José Carlos Rios CAMACHO
Original title: Antropologia comparada e música tradicional dos povos berbere e galego-português. Um achegamento cultural entre o Ocidente, o Pré- Islão e o Islão norteafricano
Keywords: Anthropology, Berber, Galician-Portuguese, Music, Myths.
The intentions and the short account of this anthropologic preliminary essay are the result of our work about some directs observations of the social and cultural-musical realities at the Moroccan Rif in the second semester of the 1990 year. At the same time, we attempt to give some general notes about the Ancient-Medieval History, literature (the legends and myths) and the cultures of the Berber and Galician-Portuguese peoples, based in a vast Atlantic culture which will spread out the entire quadrant from Galicia-Ireland-Britain to the north-African Rif.
The relation between gargoyles and texts in the context of late medieval Portugal: concerns about the behavior of the body and the sins
Catarina Alexandra Martins Fernandes BARREIRA
Original title: A relação entre gárgulas e textos no contexto tardo-medieval em Portugal: preocupações em torno do comportamento do corpo e os pecados
Keywords: Exempla, Gargoyles, Literature, Senses, Sins.
Our aim is to analyze the relationship between gargoyles and some Portuguese texts in the context of 15th and 16th centuries. In this purpose some gargoyles will be observed, as well as the iconographic programs that highlight the same concerns as the chosen texts, with special emphasis on the behaviour of the sinful body. From this phenomenon will result not only a deep relationship between gargoyles and late medieval ages, but in particular its educational role that results from a close relationship with the church and with its audience.
Alfred the Great and the holy lineage of Wessex: the construction of a myth of origins in Anglo-Saxon England
Original title: Alfred o Grande e a linhagem sagrada de Wessex: a construção de um mito de origem na Inglaterra anglo-saxônica
Keywords: Alfred, Anglo-Saxons, England, Myth, Society.
In the end of 9th century, the actions taken by King Alfred the Great were decisive for the survival of the Anglo-Saxon England against the Vikings. His cultural revival would change the Anglo-Saxon society, reinforcing the defenses of the kingdom, the politics and enable the unification of England in the mid-10th century under king Athelstan’s reign. However, the main reason behind this revival was not cultural but a spiritual. For this task, inspired by the works like Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica, a myth of origins was forged. A myth that said the Anglo-Saxons were the spiritual heirs of the Hebrews of Old Testament. And their kings would be descendent of a holy lineage of a mysterious forth son of Noah. In this article we will analyze the elements of this myth, how was its construction and its importance for the Alfredian period.
Super Incontinentia Clericorum. A historical note about the Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera
Estefanía BERNABÉ
Original title: Super Incontinentia Clericorum: Un apunte histórico sobre la Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera
Keywords: Celibacy, Clerisy, Concubinage, Libro de Buen Amor, Morality.
In the Libro de Buen Amor, written in the XIV century by Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita, we find one of the best critical sources to observe the behavior of the late-medieval Spanish clerisy; through fiction, the book acts as an outstanding historical document when trying to approach their concept of celibacy. The part of the Libro that we hereby analyze, the Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera, clearly of goliardic accent, sets out the protest of the archdiocese of Toledo before the establishment of the obligatory celibacy. In this article, we outline a note about the historical development of the celibacy in the peninsula departing from the satirical approach of the Libro.
Religious conflict in the fifth century through two parallel views – The sack of Rome in 410 AD in two literary works: De Reditu suo of Rutilio Namaziano and The City of God, of St. Augustine
Lilian Regina Gonçalves DINIZ
Original title: O conflito religioso no século V por meio de duas visões paralelas – O saque de Roma, de 410 d.C., em duas obras literárias: De Reditu suo, de Rutilio Namaziano, e A Cidade de Deus, de Santo Agostinho
Keywords: Christianity, Late Antiquity, Paganism, Sack of Rome, Theological conflict..
This article wants to analyze the event known as The Sack of Rome, occurred on 410 DC, using two contemporary works: De Reditu Suo, of the pagan poet Rutilio Namaziano and The City of God, written by the bishop Agostine from Hipona. The choice of these authors aimed to draw a religious parallel that illustrates the theological conflict that existed in that time. It will be initially presented the historical context preceding the period in question, known as Late Antiquity. Will be presented the political, social, economic and military questions, in order to understand the religious and social conflict caused by the rise of Christianity and the consequent decline of paganism. Is important to remember that this article is not intended to be a theological or literary thesis about the works that we are studying here. It is only a superficial historical view of an extremely wide and rich period, too complex to be treated in a few pages.
The figure of Francesc de Vinatea in the kingdom of Valencia. From the royal chronicle to the archival records (1331-1332)
Original title: A figura de Francesc de Vinatea no reino de Valência. Da crônica real aos documentos arquivísticos (1331-1332)
Keywords: 14th century, Chronicles, Crown of Aragon, Francesc de Vinatea, Kingdom of Valencia.
Francesc de Vinatea was called a medieval hero by the liberal historiography and he still occupies an important position in the collective imagination of the Valencian society. This consideration comes from the facts narrated in the chronicle of Pedro IV of Aragon, which, however, we now know that were altered by the monarch himself to improve his image. This manipulation is what we intend to reveal in this text, by comparing the narrative of the chronicle with archival data extracted from the Aragonese royal chancery documents.
The Death of the Virgin Mary (1295) in the Macedonian church of the Panagia Peribleptos in Ohrid. Iconographic interpretation from the prospective of three apocryphal writings
Original title: La muerte de la Virgen María (1295) en la iglesia macedonia de la Panagia Peribleptos de Ohrid. Interpretación iconográfica a la luz de tres escritos apócrifos
Keywords: Byzantine painting, Iconography, Koimesis, Medieval Art, apocryphal literature.
Painted in 1295 by the Greek painters Michael Astrapas and Eutychios, the fresco of the Virgin’s Death (Koimesis) in the church of Panagia Peribleptos in Ohrid, Macedonia, highlights the main events described by the apocryphal stories on the death, the burial, the resurrection and the assumption of Mary, reinterpreted by the theologians and the hymns’ writers. This mural painting integrates in a diachronic development the scenes of the Virgin’s farewell to her friends, the coming of the apostles on clouds, the death, the funeral and the burial of Mary, including the episode on the attempt of desecration, the punishment and the conversion of a Jew named Jephonias, as well as the Virgin’s assumption, a subject performed for the first time in art. This article tries to explain and to illustrate the iconographic elements contained in this mural painting, analyzing them from the perspective of three apocryphal texts on the Mary’s death and assumption. Through such analysis we would highlight the direct and essential influence of certain Literature (apocryphal) in the creation of certain History, understood at the same time as History of Art (iconography) and History of Religions (dogmatic).
The coronation of norwegian kings in Trondheim: the case of Magnús Erlingsson (1156-1184)
Edmar Checon de FREITAS and Renan Marques BIRRO
Original title: A coroação dos reis noruegueses em Trondheim (séc. XII): o caso de Magnús Erlingsson (1156-1184)
Keywords: Kingship, Legitimation, Norway, Royal religion, XII century.
This work analyses the coronation’s process of Norwegian kings in the second half of XII century, with special attention to the ceremony for ascension of Magnús Erlingsson (11561184) to the norwegian throne. From the contraposition of many sources of XI-XIII centuries and with the support of royal religion concept of Jacques Le Goff, the present work delineated the transformation of a boy in a king, especially from a detailed analysis of Privilegiebrev (Letter of Privileges, c. 1163-1164), source that explores the potential of christian religion to legitimate a monarch and a dynasty under the Norwegian civil wars of the XII century.
Philosophical-political mean and range of Novus ordo naturae in the Lucrecio’s poem De rerum natura
Prof. Dr. José Ricardo PIERPAULI
Original title: Significado y alcance filosófico-político del Novus ordo naturae en el poema de Lucrecio De rerum natura
The Laude Spaniae of Isidore of Seville in the Iberic Medieval Chronicles (VIIIth-XIVth centuries)
António REI
Original title: A Laude Spaniae de Isidoro de Sevilha na Cronística Medieval Peninsular (séculos VIII-XIV)
Keywords: Chronicles, Isidore of Seville, Laude Spaniae, Middle Ages, Reconquest.
The presence of Laude Spaniae (Praise of Hispania) of Isidor, bishop of Seville in the medieval chronicles wrote in the Iberic Peninsula between the VIIIth and the XIVth centuries, by the Christian political powers, as an emotional part of the chronicle text, leading to the effort of military “reconquest” to the muslim powers in the andalusian parts of the Peninsula.