Márcio Paulo CENCI
The Lectura super Apocalipsim of Peter John Olivi
A Lectura super Apocalipsim de Pedro João Olivi
Published in Mystic and Millenarianism in Middle Ages
Keywords: Keywords: Eschatology, Franciscan Thought, Hermeneutics, Peter John Olivi, Revelation.
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The Lectura super Apocalipsim (1297) of Peter John Olivi is one of more important books of Philosophy and Theology of History at 13th century, and have made very much influence at the begins 14th century. Here are the indications, presuppositions, some matters and the influences of that interpretation's Olivi. Further, with more attention the topic on the scatological function of Francis of Assisi, as the Angle of the sixth seal, from a concordance principle of the life of him with the life of Christ.