Ricardo da Costa
To The God and The Goddess That I Know and That I Don´t Know: the Tremendum in a Sumero-Akkadian Prayer
Cláudia Cerqueira do Rosario
Original title: Ao Deus e à Deusa que conheço e que não conheço: oTremendum numa prece sumero-acadiana
Keywords: mysterium tremendum, prayer, religious phenomenom.
This paper analyses the notion of mysterium tremendum posed by the historian and philosopher of religions Rudolf Otto, through a prayer produced in the sumero-akkadian historical context – circa 3500/1800 BCE. This notion becomes a fundamental one for the study and understanding of the religious phenomenon's essence.
Considerations concerning the Aristotelian ethics into the Sophocle's tragedy: The case of King Oiedipus
Tito Barros Leal de Pontes Medeiros
Original title: Considerações acerca da ética aristotélicanas tragédias sofoclianas: o caso de Édipo Rei
Keywords: Aristotelian Ethics, History, King Oiedipus, Sophocles.
This article tries to understand the Sophocle's production questioning the traditional temporary demarcation of the Greek history in the Archaic Period (XII - VI B.C.) and in the Classic Period (V - IV B.C.), proposing the century V B.C. as transition among these periods. They are also analyzed some Aristotelian concepts that are supposed fundamental to understand the philosophical-educational dimension of the Sophocle's tragedy and, in this sense, to try to observe ethical elements in the actions of Oiedipus, starting from the tragedy King Oiedipus.
The Slave Mode of Production and its Influence in the Jewish Society's Perception in Post- Exile
Luiz Alexandre Solano Rossi
Original title: Modo de Produção Escravista e a Sua Influência na Percepção da Sociedade Judaica no Pós-Exílio
Keywords: Hellenism, mode of production, slavery.
This article aims to indicate that the construction of the biblical literature is marked by the type of economy and the society in which people lived. From this matter, the slave mode of production on the biblical world is discussed. The increasing of the slave culture affected nociably the life of people in biblical times. This shok in the society was so nociable that we find a peasant revolution from 167 to 142 aC, a daring attempt to prevent the advance of greek culture and slavery to the detriment of the classical traditions.
The Descent of Er: Ethic's philosophical foundation in Republica X
Flavia Dezzutto
Original title: El Descenso de Er: La fundamentación filosófica de la ética en República X
Keywords: Cavalry, Philosophy, Ramon Llull, Thought.
The objective of the present work is to analyze the allegorical story of the book X of the POLITEIA or Republic of Plato, known like the myth Er, in the perspective that we expose next. The "displacements", towards prohibitive regions for the mortals, by the routes of the dream or the death, have the common characteristic, from most archaic Greek Literature, to constitute spaces of revelation of certain truths. The paradigm of the ultra tomb story or the narration of the dream, as well as the literary figures that are made presents there, the topography of those regions, and the learning and testimonies that are compiled in that context, are decisive to delimit the sense field that tries a content transmitted to the revelations or knowledge. Of such way, the meaning field that appears from this analysis, sends the proposition of a political ethics, in the Greece of the IV century B.C. that makes possible to us discern the construction of a prescriptive sense, by means of rhetorical resources that acquire relevance, and they are inserted in a complex interpretative tradition, because the mentioned factors more above are the vehicle than instructs us about the doctrines that are tried to expose. These are exposed like the foundation of what is a model in the life of the mortals, in a philosophical sense, and still present an evaluation of the human institutions that comes from a strange place to the intellection of those who lives in the time; the border areas of the dream and the death.
If it's not true, what it is? Saint Augustine against the Lie
Gabriele Greggersen
Original title: Se não é Verdade, é o que? Agostinho contra a Mentira
Keywords: Lie, heresy, intencionality, truth.
If there are lies, which is their limit in relation to truth? Out of real problems that he was facing at the time, related the religious heresies and conflicts, Saint Augustine supplies insights on the subject in two texts “On Lie” (De Mendacium) and “Against Lie” (Contra Mendacium). There are good reasons to believe that his concern with the subject was recurrent, since the two texts are practically identical. Without pretensions to define what truth is, the bishop of Hippona applies his negative method to create a tipology of existing kinds of lies. Thus, he evidences a almost completely forgotten fact nowadays: beyond the diversity of species of lie, if something is not true, it only can be false.
Some Appointments about the Germans in Didatic Books of History
Andréia Cristina Lopes Frazão da Silva
Original title: Alguns Apontamentos Acerca dos Germanos nos Livros Didáticos de História no Brasil
Keywords: Didactic book, Germans, Teaching of History.
Starting from the analysis of content of six didactic books of history, used in the fundamental and medium teaching in Brazil, we looked for to verify and to analyze as such works characterize the germans.
Mistic and Paideia: Dionysius the Pseudo Areopagite
Bernardo Guadalupe S. L. Brandão
Original title: Mística e Paidéia: O Pseudo-Dionísio Areopagita
Keywords: Christianism, Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite, paideia, works.
The author who presents himself as Dionysius the Areopagite, the converted by Saint Paul on the Areopagus was probably a syrian monk who wrote in the late V century. This article, dicussing the contemporany attempts to find his identity and the influence on the posterior thought, interprets his writings as an attempt to assimilate the greek philosophy and paideia by christianity, representing an important moment in the process symbolized by the Saint Paul's journey to Athens.
Alcuin of York: About the Soul and its Dignitates
Rubén A. Peretó Rivas
Original title: Alcuino de York: Sobre el Alma y sus Dignidades
Keywords: Memory, faculties, intellect, will.
The subject of this paper is the “dignities” or soul's faculties in the Alcuin's work. First, the author settles the notion of dignitates as Alcuin understands it in all his anthropologic treatises. Then, analyzes this concept in the most importants works where the Charlemagne's friend writes about the dignitates of intellect, memory and will, studying particularly the hierarchy, function and disposition of each according to the work where they appear.
A Small Big Problem in Medieval History: the Revolt of Arrabal de Cordoba (818) and the conquest of the Island of Crete in 827
Diego Melo Carrasco
Original title: Un Pequeño Gran Problema de la Historia Medieval: La Revuelta del Arrabal (Rabad) de Córdoba (818) y la Toma de Creta en el 827
The present article deals with a topic might appear of marginal importance in the context of medieval history, thas is, the expulsion of the Cordoban conspirators after the Revolt of Arrabal de Cordoba (818) and their conquest of the Island of Crete in 827, Nevertheless, it becomes important when one realizes the implications in the Eastern Mediterranean, when this area was transformed into a “Moslem Lake” –as it has been called by Henri Pirenne. Which would prevente the free transit of Byzantine shipping, forcing the Empire to employ all of its diplomatic abilities to deal whit the situation.
The Formation of the Knight: Perceval or Conte du Graal
Raúl Cesar Gouveia Fernande
Original title: A formação do cavaleiro: Perceval ou O Conto do Graal
Keywords: Arthurian romance, chivalry, education.
The present paper covers Perceval's formative process analysis as it is developed in the context of Chrétien de Troyes' Conte du Graal. We intend to identify with our investigation the method and the objectives in the education of a knight throughout the romance.
Medieval Paradises – Tipology of the Places of Reward in the Final Middle Ages
Paulo Roberto Soares de Deus
Original title: Paraísos Medievais – esboço para uma tipologia dos lugares de recompensa dos justos no final da Idade Média
Keywords: Culture, Paradise, Types.
The aim of this article is to consider a set of minimum types to the places assigned for the word Paradise at the end of the Middle Ages. It is not intended to be exhausting nor definitive, after all, the Paradise was a symbol and, as such, preserved great ambiguity in its possible meanings. Paradise's contours could not be so clear since it should to allow the projections of diverse desires and anxieties, deriving of the different cultural strata of that age. However, a tripartite structure, which comes along with the time flow, can be followed.