Bernardo Lins BRANDÃO
Philosophy as a Way of Life in the Platonism of Imperial Age and in Plotinus
A Filosofia Como Modo de Vida no Platonismo da Era Imperial e em Plotino
Published in Mulier aut Femina. Idealism or reality of women in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Keywords: Ascension, Neoplatonism, Philosophy as a way of life, Plotinus, Therapy of passions.
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2013_02_22.pdfPhilosophy is generally understood nowadays as a discursive practice, in which philosophers elaborate doctrines and arguments. But that is not the only possible view. In some contexts of Antiquity, it was also conceived as a way of life. In this paper, I analyze how the platonism of the Imperial age, specially Plotinus, saw this philosophical life and how doctrine and argument, ascension of the soul and therapy of passions was part of it.