The manuscripts with works of Saint Jerome in the Library of the Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé in 1433-1440 and in 1550
Los manuscritos iluminados con obras de san Jerónimo en la Librería del Colegio Mayor de san Bartolomé en 1433-1440 y en 1550
Published in Mirabilia Journal 31 (2020/2)
Keywords: Keywords: Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé, Diego de Anaya, Maître de Blanche de Castille, Patristics.
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23._jimenez.pdfThe study shows the presence of the Saint Jeronimo in different moments of the school library, taking the only preserved documentary testimonies as reference: the 1433-1444 inventaries, the 1550 index and the registers before the closing of the School in 1798. From then, the manuscripts conserved nowadays are located and the analysis of his iconic repertoire is approached, with the objective of defining the ways and space of his creation. That is how the testimonies from the primitive laic ateliers in Languedoc or from the most relevant groups in the parisian setting are identified in the 12th century, Maître de Blanche de Castille. The contrast of these refined pieces with the copy promoted by Diego de Anaya also allows to understand the attitude and the relationship of the founder with the books and the bartolomea library.