Critical Edition and Analysis of La vida de sanct Honofre (The Life of Saint Onofre), Published in Valencia at the Beginning of the 16th Century
Original title: Edició filològica i breu comentari de La vida de sanct Honofre, publicada a València a principis del segle XVI
Published in
Keywords: 14th-16th c., Catalan Literature, Edition, Life of Saint Onofre, Valencia.
This article provides a study and philological edition of the Vida de sanc Honofre based on the 16th-c. princeps text. Although there exist previous modern editions of this work, none of them offers a critical text nor have been adequately disseminated for a wider audience. The introductory study analyses the date of composition of this work, its literary sources, and its process of composition.
Medieval latin manuscript culture of the Crown of Aragon. Transcription and study of the parchments of the 12th-13th centuries of the Archive “general b” of the Borja Library (Sant Cugat del Vallès)
Original title: Cultura medieval llatina manuscrita de la Corona d’Aragó. Transcripció i estudi dels pergamins dels segles XII-XIII del Fons General b de la Biblioteca Borja (Sant Cugat del Vallès)
Published in Mirabilia Journal 34
Keywords: Borja Library, Crown of Aragon, Edition, Latin, Manuscript Culture, Medieval, Sant Cugat, Transcription.
Father Antoni Borràs i Feliu, archivist of the library of the Borgia Center of Sant Cugat del Vallés, announced in 1994 the acquisition of a series of parchments by the library of this center. Father Borràs classified these parchments of varied typology, grouping them in four categories: A, B (“General Fons”), C (“Fons Ripoll-Sant Joan de les Abadesses”), D (“Fons Berga”), and E (“Fons vari”). This article presents the transcription and a brief codicological and paleographic study of B (“Fons General”). Among the parchments in question are pontifical documents (“butlles”), royal documents, university degrees, and a few documents classified by centuries: from the 12th to the 17th century. Here I study the latter; more specifically, the documents catalogued with the numbers 4.1 (number 1 for us) and 4.2 (numbers 2 and 3).