Doctrinal elaboration of a popular devotion. Biblical presence in Los Milagros de Guadalupe (Spain, fifteenth century)
Gerardo Fabián Rodríguez
Original title: Elaboración doctrinal de una devoción popular. Presencia bíblica en Los Milagros de Guadalupe (España, siglo XV)
Published in Mirabilia 3 (2003)
Keywords: History of Spain, Miracle, Virgin of Guadaloupe.
In this text, I suggest a selection and study of "miraglos" contained in the firsts four códices of Los Milagros de Guadalupe from the assumptions of the sociolingüistics and devotional sociology. This kind of approach will let me analyze the Christian symbology underlying these texts and give a posible history about the representations of the Church around the Guadaloupian devotion, as the Jeronimian monks project, when writing down every and each miracle, doctrinal arguments considered as esential in the Christian discourse of the time. In this particular case, the narrative plot of the miracula transmits a real doctrinal wisdom, appealing to biblical texts, stories and basis, specially from the New Testament. This appealing to the Bible is not explicit but, on the contrary, quotations and relations implicited in the narratives have to be discovered. From this cut of the Guadaloupian corpus, I will tackle the following topics: the importance of the baptism as a sacrament, the revelation understood as a divine grace, the image of Mary as Mother of God, the different signs of the imitatio Christi, particularly The Passion and the lion’s symbology.
The paradoxical reality of the feminine holiness in the Castilian Middle Ages: the miracle like textual shape of the Vida de Santa María Egipciaca
Original title: La paradójica realidad de la santidad femenina en la Edad Media castellana: el milagro como configurador textual de la Vida de Santa María Egipciaca
Published in Mulier aut Femina. Idealism or reality of women in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Biographical frame, Castilian translation, Feminine holiness, Medieval Hagiography, Miracle.
The medieval hagiographical paradigm of the holy prostitute, analyzed in this article in the Castilian 13th century Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, reveals the paradoxical reality of the feminine holiness of the period; a reality based on the inclusive concept of the supernatural thing as possible daily experience, but that at the same time supposes the loss of any feminine attribute and the obligatory identification with Christ for the comprehension of the spiritual advance of the woman.