Considerations concerning the Aristotelian ethics into the Sophocle's tragedy: The case of King Oiedipus
Tito Barros Leal de Pontes Medeiros
Original title: Considerações acerca da ética aristotélicanas tragédias sofoclianas: o caso de Édipo Rei
Published in Mirabilia 4
Keywords: Aristotelian Ethics, History, King Oiedipus, Sophocles.
This article tries to understand the Sophocle's production questioning the traditional temporary demarcation of the Greek history in the Archaic Period (XII - VI B.C.) and in the Classic Period (V - IV B.C.), proposing the century V B.C. as transition among these periods. They are also analyzed some Aristotelian concepts that are supposed fundamental to understand the philosophical-educational dimension of the Sophocle's tragedy and, in this sense, to try to observe ethical elements in the actions of Oiedipus, starting from the tragedy King Oiedipus.