The monastery and the social function of religious architecture: the Cantiga 45 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria by king Alfonso X (13th century)
Bárbara DANTAS
Original title: O mosteiro e a função social da arquitetura religiosa: a Cantiga 45 das Cantigas de Santa Maria do rei Afonso X (século XIII)
Published in
Keywords: Cantigas de Santa Maria, Medieval architecture, Middle Ages, Monastery.
D. Afonso wanted his obra maestra, the Cantigas de Santa Maria, to encompass everything that man sees and feels. And there is nothing more seen and felt than Architecture. Especially for us Religious Architecture. In Cantiga 45, the wise king presents us with a miracle report in which a knight, very affectionate to bad attitudes, wished to repair his errors and build a monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary. His monastery would have all the rooms and spaces necessary for the monastic life.
Transcendência e Imanência – dois aspectos da música na vida monástica de Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
Antonio Celso RIBEIRO
Original title: Transcendence and Immanence – two aspects of music in the monastic life of Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
Published in The Kingdom of the Spirit
Keywords: Immanency, Middle Ages, Monastery, Music, Transcendence.
The present work intends to analyze the role of the music in the everyday life inside the women monasteries in the Middle Ages. Exploring the dichotomies between some aspects of music in medieval thinking like it being corruptive or regenerative and belonging to the realm of musica mundane, musica humana, musica instrumentalis, or musica celestis, as stated by Boethius and complemented by Jacobus Leodiensis, the paper intends to take a glimpse on music usage at the monasteries focusing specially on Hildegard von Bingen’s Works and Philosophy.