Crime and punishment: criminality in medieval Valencia in fifteenth century
Original title: Crim i càstig: la criminalitat a la València medieval al segle XV
Published in
Keywords: Criminality, Crown of Aragon, Middle Ages, Valencia, XVth century.
Violence and justice has been present during the history at most of societies. During the Middle Age exists different behaviours that alter the order and social peace, and to face up to it, the municipal government were activated different legal mechanisms to reply that transgressive attitudes. Our criminality study in Valencia during the XV century allow us to exemplify the most habitual criminal cases that medieval justices condemn in form of punishment: economic, physical or both. The frequency with which Valencia’s city habitants report the different violent abuses allows us to know which crime and felonies were produced with more periodicity in the kingdom’s capital. In this article we will show the crime which were produced in the city of Valencia and which methods were used to eradicate these behaviours.
Gauberte Fabricio de Vagad (author of the first Crónica del reino de Aragón) and his poetic work in the repertoires and songbooks of his time
Jesús Fernando CÁSEDA TERESA
Original title: auberte Fabricio de Vagad (autor de la primera Crónica del reino de Aragón) y su obra poética en los repertorios y cancioneros de su tiempo
Published in Mirabilia Journal 34
Keywords: Chronicle of Aragon, Dolce stil nuovo, Gauberte, XVth century.
This study links the creator of the first Chronicle of Aragon with the one who appears with his name in the songbooks of his time, establishing the common identity of both. It traces his biography –family origins, his birth in Zaragoza between 1415 and 1420, his military and clerical life and his relationship with the printer Pablo Hurus–. It fixes his poetic corpus and analyzes his compositions, especially those collected in the Cancionero de Vindel. Among the themes he deals with, his attacks on stilnovism, his defence of the feminine condition and some forms of literary and poetic divertimento stand out.
In fine: the last day of the livings in medieval Valencia (1390-1437)
Original title: In fine: el último día de los vivos en la Valencia medieval (1390-1437)
Published in
Keywords: Burial, Death, Nobility, Valencia, XVth century.
In this paper we analyse the conceptions about death and the rituals that mark the end of life in the society of the Late Middle Ages, especially among the nobility and high bourgeoisie, which are the group in that we can best ascertain these practices, taking the example of the city of Valencia, an observation point of great trustworthiness to study the whole West; that shows us that attitudes towards death face the social, political and religious changes that took place at the end of the Middle Ages.