Cosmogonies and mythology of Ancient Egypt
Cosmogonías y mitología del Antiguo Egipto
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Keywords: Amarna, Aton, Egypt, Heliopolitan Cosmogony, Hermopolitan Cosmogony, Memphis, Menphite Cosmogony, Osiris, Thebes.
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The evolution of the cult in Egypt was unstoppable. The gods of Ancient Egypt emerged and evolved in a dependent manner at territorial level, acquiring thus, greater importance as that space acquired it as well. They had a geographically limited power since they exercised it with those who were in their territory, so that the men and women who were living or simply passing through that place, should keep worship to that god in question to receive their protection and magic. In this article we will talk about the main gods of the main cities of Ancient Egypt mentioning, first of all, the most known cosmogony and from which the most important deities emerge.