Rembrandt, painter of the Old Testament scenes: Samson’s stories
Rembrandt, pintor de escenas veterotestamentarias: historias de Sansón
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Keywords: Delilah, Jews, Old Testament, Rembrandt, Republic of the Seven United Provinces of the North, Samson.
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The scientific investigations carried out during the last century aimed to address the influence that Calvinism, religion emerged during the sixteenth century as a response to the corrupt ecclesiastical institution, exercised in the various areas – social, economic and artistic – of the Republic of the Seven Provinces of the North. However, Calvinism does not help to fully understand the religious scenes produced by Hamerszoon Rijn van Rembrandt. This architect, formed in an environment of freedom of worship, halfway between the Reformed Church and the Christian Church, maintained throughout his life friendship with Jews, men of great culture and great weight in society. These relationships, along with their own life experiences, modulated their sacred scenes. Especially interesting is the analysis of the canvases painted during the 1930s and focusing on the figure of Samson, hero of the Old Testament. These compositions, milestones in the career of the painter, are still wrapped in a halo of mystery, especially with respect to his commission. In addition, these allow us to know the way in which Rembrandt composed his works, using either textual or visual sources close to his space and time or completely distant to him.