Moisés Romanazzi Tôrres
The “pedagogical perspective” of Dante Aliguieri to access the true nobility and the earthly bliss
A perspectiva “pedagógica” de Dante Aliguieri no acesso à verdadeira nobreza e à beatitude terrestre
Published in The educacion and secular culture in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Keywords: Emperor, Governor-philosophers, True nobility.
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Dante, in the pages of Convivio, develops his ethics, establishing the model of the ideal life, perfect and nobly. This point of view is aristocratic because the spirit culture is reserved for special peoples of nobility. Here, the central element is the aristoteleanism. Dante imagines a group of governorphilosophers that received, exactly as a reward by your philosophical effort, the gift of the true nobility. They are assigned of guiding, in your feuds, kingdoms, cities, the human crowds to the happiness and terrestrial perfection. In the third book of the De Monarchia, Dante, closing this “pedagogic” perspective, characterizes the emperor definitively as the Great Philosopher of the Christianity and, like this, the Master, the ultimately guide of the men to the mystic splendor of the true nobility and of the blessedness philosophical or terrestrial.