
Ricardo da Costa
Knowledge and Education in the Late Antiquity: the Monastic Fathers and Ecclesiastics before of Greek-Roman culture
Ronaldo Amaral
Original title: Saber e Educação na Antigüidade Tardia: os Padres monásticos e eclesiásticos diante da cultura greco-romana
Keywords: Christianity, Culture, Late Antiquity.
The Late Antiquity is certainly one of the most important periods for the understanding of our civilization and its culture. Cradle of the Christianity and of that that would come to be the western Christian civilization, for we restrict ourselves to the Latin world, it is in this period that appears and it takes body, or else properly our material structures, in our great measure mental structures, once we owed to the Christianity and its main current of thought of this time, the Patristic, the essential not only of our religious credo, but even of the genesis in our way and thought reason. The Christian culture, for its time, had been indebted of another religious and cultural tradition, being built to the incorporation of that another tradition. This process was developed above all in this period that occupies us and by means of many of those that would come to be known as priests of the Church.
The apocryphal texts in the Christian iconography
Ofelia Manzi and Patricia Grau-Dieckmann
Original title: Los textos apócrifos en la iconografía Cristiana
Keywords: Apocrypha, Art, Canonical, Christianity, Iconography.
Formation, obedience and humanism: considerations about the Middle Ages child education in the Monodies of abbot Guibert of Nogent (XII century)
Carlile Lanzieri Júnior
Original title: Formação, obediência e humanismo: considerações sobre a educação infantil medieval nas Monodies do abade Guiberto de Nogent (séc. XII)
Keywords: Guibert of Nogent, medieval education, monasticism.
In 1115, the benedictine abbot Guibert of Nogent (1055-1125) concluded his book of personal memories, usually called De vita sua by modern authors. Shared in three parts, this book calls attention because the absolutely personal aspect of its first part. In it, Guibert wrote very much about the several events that happened in his infancy and part of his adulthood. Among some of then, we will analyze in this article those in which the abbot remembered the details about the education that he received when he was a boy and in the early years in which he lived in a monastery. An education signed by the hardness, but also the worring with the moral and academic formation of the individual too, important marks of the medieval benedictine pedagogy monastic.
The Christian imaginary in the novels of knights and in the cantigas de amor
Hilda Gomes Dutra Magalhães, Eliane Cristina Testa and Izabel Cristina dos Santos Teixeira
Original title: O imaginário cristão nas novelas de cavalaria e nas cantigas de amor
Keywords: Christian Education, chivalry story, love songs.
We analyze, in this text, the influence of the christian education in the secular imaginary of the Middle Age, more exactly in the story of chivalry Search for the Holy Grail and in the plaintive love songs, produced in the Europe in the twelfth century. Throughout the reflection, we observed an important influence of the Church as much in the cavalry stories as in the plaintive love songs, but these influences weren't sufficient for to avoid the increase, in the imaginary of Middle Age, of the individuality, cultural substratum of the Europe anterior the Christianism.
The medieval university: a memory
Terezinha Oliveira
Original title: A universidade medieval: uma memória
Keywords: History of Education, Intellectuals, Medieval University, Memory.
In this article, we intend to analyze in general, the origins of the medieval university, considering it as a new place, favorable to the knowledge that participated with the community interests and it was legitimally knew as a fundamental space by the laic and ecclesiastic government. In this study we have based in some studious writers who held good position studying about the medieval university as Savigny, Verger, Steenberghen e Nardi. We believe that the questions treated by the medieval theoretical and what these studying people try to put in relief don’t express only the individual worries, but inquietudes and questions that the society asked in this historic epoch. Through these questions, we look for the origins of University that in other ways is a meaning of asking for the reasons for its existence. But we see in this study a further reach, not only just a look over the medieval. Doing this, we judge to be referring questions concerned to the future too, not thinking that there are the same problems, but because we are talking about the same Institution. In this way, we will be able, at least, to verify how the wise men of that epoch built these spaces that continue being a proper and opportune space for the knowledge. With that when we study the origens of the medieval universities using the historiography and the medieval documents, we are, in the same manner, creating a new memory and a new space of knowledge, established by our problems and our daily relations.
“A donzela que não podia ouvir falar de foder” e “Da mulher a quem arrancaram os colhões”: dois fabliaux e as questões do corpo e da condição feminina na Idade Média (sécs. XIII-XIV)
Ricardo da Costa and Nayhara Sepulcri
Keywords: Fables - Middle Ages - Women's History - History of body.
Analysis of two fabliaux and the status of women in the Middle Ages.
Os provérbios medievais em latim e a apropriação da cultura laica pelo discurso religioso – algumas palavras
Álvaro Alfredo Bragança Júnior
Keywords: Classical Antiquity, Ecclesiastical discourse, Medieval latin, Paremiology.
The paremiological discourse in medieval latin shows the scholars a lot of nuances about norms of behaviour and propriety of conduct corresponding to a point of view, supported by the Church. However, this paper aims to present briefly, how topics connected to the Classical Antiquity, as well as to the representation of animals as models of vices and virtues are appropriated by ecclesiastical discourse, which turns secular wisdom and experience into proverbs with explicitly or implicitly purposes.
Medieval heraldry: a cultural creation for a secular society
Gerard Marí i Brull
Original title: Heráldica medieval: una creación cultural para una sociedad laica
Keywords: Coats of arm, Heraldry, Medieval History.
This paper aims to show how Heraldry is a medieval cultural phenomenon of first importance created and developed outside the ecclesiastical world, through the analysis of three specific aspects: its origins, the language for the heraldic description and the ways of transmission of its knowledge.
The “pedagogical perspective” of Dante Aliguieri to access the true nobility and the earthly bliss
Moisés Romanazzi Tôrres
Original title: A perspectiva “pedagógica” de Dante Aliguieri no acesso à verdadeira nobreza e à beatitude terrestre
Keywords: Emperor, Governor-philosophers, True nobility.
Dante, in the pages of Convivio, develops his ethics, establishing the model of the ideal life, perfect and nobly. This point of view is aristocratic because the spirit culture is reserved for special peoples of nobility. Here, the central element is the aristoteleanism. Dante imagines a group of governorphilosophers that received, exactly as a reward by your philosophical effort, the gift of the true nobility. They are assigned of guiding, in your feuds, kingdoms, cities, the human crowds to the happiness and terrestrial perfection. In the third book of the De Monarchia, Dante, closing this “pedagogic” perspective, characterizes the emperor definitively as the Great Philosopher of the Christianity and, like this, the Master, the ultimately guide of the men to the mystic splendor of the true nobility and of the blessedness philosophical or terrestrial.