Gustavo Ellwanger CALOVI1 and Gustavo Luis MARMENTINI
The Aristotelian Ethics
A Ética Aristotélica
Published in The Time and the Eternity in the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Keywords: Ethics, Happiness, Justice, Middle ground, Virtue.
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The goal of this article is to demonstrate that the study of Aristotelian ethics is fundamental for the reflection of western ethics. The Aristotelian ethics is reasoned on judgment, founded on the moral judgments of good and virtuous man. In this sense his ethics is articulate from a central question: What is the supreme good of the man and, what’s the end’s direction of everything? With this, it becomes clean that the supreme good of the man is happiness, that every man should find it in all of his actions, being the happiness an activity of his soul like the reason and the virtue. To achieve the complete happiness inside the society, the justice between the individuals must be present. And so there will not be inequalities and the middle ground will be present between the parts, including what concerns the relationships.