Between silence and screams. The emotional manifestations as a support of historical discourse during the reign of John II of Castile
Entre el silencio y el grito. Las manifestaciones emocionales como soporte del discurso historiográfico durante el reinado de Juan II de Castilla
Published in Emotions in the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean World
Keywords: Keywords: Anger, Emotion, John II of Castile, Politics, Tears.
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The emotions of the king John II of Castile (1407-1454), from the official chronicle of the kingdom, the Alvar García de Santa María. We emphasize the importance of emotions in the reign of the king as a political practice. By examining the forms of reactions and emotions that were transmitted and appeared in the historiography of the episode of the hit of Tordesilas be distinguished the words and actions that affirm the power of the king and the power of the emotions of the king. Therefore, we will focus on the silences of the king and the forms of anger.