Margarita Moreira and Antonia Núñez. Inquisition and Cryptojudaism in Mexico, 1646-1647
Margarita Moreira y Antonia Núñez. Inquisición y grupos criptojudíos en México, 1646-1647
Published in Mulier aut Femina. Idealism or reality of women in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Keywords: Antonia Núñez, Inquisition, Margarita Moreira, Mexico, Practicing Judaism.
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This article analyzes two previously-unkown documents from The Bancroft Library (UC Berkeley). These documents refer to the accusation made by the Mexican Inquisition against Margarita Moreira and Antonia Núñez in 1646 and 1647 respectiveley. Both women were accused of practicing Judaism.