Margarita Moreira and Antonia Núñez. Inquisition and Cryptojudaism in Mexico, 1646-1647
Original title: Margarita Moreira y Antonia Núñez. Inquisición y grupos criptojudíos en México, 1646-1647
Published in Mulier aut Femina. Idealism or reality of women in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Antonia Núñez, Inquisition, Margarita Moreira, Mexico, Practicing Judaism.
This article analyzes two previously-unkown documents from The Bancroft Library (UC Berkeley). These documents refer to the accusation made by the Mexican Inquisition against Margarita Moreira and Antonia Núñez in 1646 and 1647 respectiveley. Both women were accused of practicing Judaism.
Sodomites before the Inquisition
Original title: Los sodomitas ante la Inquisición
Published in Mirabilia Journal
Keywords: Inquisition, Sodomy, Spain.
Sodomy in the kingdoms of Spain was punishable by burning, according to civil laws. Only in the Crown of Aragon did the Inquisition in the courts of Barcelona, Valencia and Zaragoza. Those guilty of heinous sin were tortured, burned at the stake, publicly flogged, sent to galleys, or exiled. Many tried to get rid of these punishments by presenting the most diverse and incredible excuses.
The Cançon de la Crosada (13th century) by William of Tudela. An English Translation (II-LXV)
Original title: La Cançon de la Crosada (s. XIII) de Guillermo de Tudela. Traducción al inglés (II-LXV)
Published in Music in Antiquity, Middle Ages & Renaissance
Keywords: History of the Albigensian Crusade, Inquisition, Persecution.
The History of the Albigensian Crusade is one of the most intriguing medieval Provençal texts. It represents the beginning of a persecuting society. We provide a translation.
The fragilities of friar Pere Bolluga
Original title: Les fragilitats de fra Pere Bolulla
Published in
Keywords: History of Church, History of sexuality, History of women, Inquisition, Sexual sollicitatio in confession.
Sexual sollicitatio in confession is a great sin, where the priest –usually a monk, and often Franciscan– does sexual actions, words or propositions to the penitent, man or woman. It’s serious because supposes an sacrilegious use of the sacrament of penitence, and is so assimilated to heresy, and is then competency of Inquisition, who will use this power like a control instrument over priests, secular and monasterial. In this communication we will see a late case, that of Capuchin monk fr. Pere Bolulla, who acts in Xàtiva, Benidorm and Callosa d’en Sarrià.
The idiom of the Jewish apostasy in seventeenth-century Holland: the Bible of Ferrara and the revival of Sephardic Culture
Original title: O idioma da apostasia judaica na Holanda do século XVII: a Bíblia de Ferrara e a reinvenção da cultura sefardita
Published in Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Peninsula Cultural History
Keywords: Bible of Ferrara, Inquisition, New Jews, Sephardi.
This article presents a study on the conversion of the Portuguese New Christians to Judaism in Amsterdam as well as in Recife under the Dutch rule, during the first half of the seventeenth century. New Christians, which, due to their ambivalent identity amidst the Sephardic Judaism and Catholicism, were defined by the historian Yosef Kaplan as New Jews. Based on processes of the Inquisition of Lisbon against Portuguese Jews caught in Pernambuco´s war, the author analyzes the jewish rites reported by the prisoners, in particular the use of the Castilian language, or its variant, the ladino, in the synagogal daily prayers. The article sustains that this doctrinal method, conceived in the early seventeenth century by the Portuguese Jewry in Amsterdam, was an adaptation of the first translation of the Old Testament into Spanish – the Bible of Ferrara. Composed in the 1550s by the Portuguese Daniel Pinel and by the Spanish Jeronimo Vargas, both Sephardic exiles, in Italy, the ferraresca bible proves the decisive role of the traditional Sephardic culture, restored in the Mediterranean Diaspora – as the case of Ferrara shows – for the Iberian Judaism reconstruction in the Netherlands.