Barbara BOTTER, Rodrigo Danúbio QUEIROZ
The myth as tool of persuasion in Plato’s Phaedrus
O mito como ferramenta de persuasão no Fedro de Platão
Published in Art, Criticism and Mysticism
Keywords: Keywords: Myth, Phaedrus, Plato, truth.
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The article aims to analyze Plato’s Phaedrus. Centralizes the importance of myth as a persuasion tool to achieve true dialogue. For this, a reflection took place, through dialogue, the structure of the myth; its symbology and the possibility of Plato recognize the limits of philosophical knowledge in wanting to reach the truth. The philosophical argument used by Socrates is based on the myth erotic speech. This discourse, in its mythical route reaches lovers and persuades regarding the definition of the soul, of its participation in the divine and beauty fashion. Therefore, it is evident that Plato recognizes the influence that non-rational world has about the very possibility of understanding the rational statements. The event that takes place in the dialectical movement of his maieutic.