
Portugal and its westerns roots
Ricardo da COSTA & Adriana ZIERER
Original title: Portugal e suas raízes ocidentais
Special Issue
The Galician influence in the Romanesque from Alto Minho
Original title: La influencia gallega en el Románico del Alto Minho
Keywords: Alto Minho, Galician influence, Patterns, Romanesque Art.
The current article deals with the influence of the Cathedral of Tui, its diocesan space and other Galician examples in the Romanesque art from the Portuguese area of Alto Minho. The diocese of Tui encompassed territories from southern Galicia and northern Portugal during a great part of the Middle Ages, in particular, the southwestern area of the province of Pontevedra; southeasthern Ourense and the Portuguese region of Alto Minho. The See from Tui spred a series of artistic and iconographic patterns which were extended in its bishopric and in the adjacent territories, giving the Romanesque in this area its own personality and outside the sociopolitical implications from a borderline in permanent conflict due to the hegemony in both sides of the Miño river.
The Portuguese Common Laws: case of Cima Coa, Guarda, Santarém, Évora and Beja. Challenges and methodologies
Original title: Los fueros extensos portugueses: los casos de Cima Coa, Guarda, Santarém, Évora y Beja. Retos y metodologías
Keywords: Common Law, Middle Ages, Portugal, XIII-XIV Century’s.
The aim of this study is to provide an analysis about the customary and laws of the Portuguese medieval town’s councils (13th and 14th Century’s). We select some cases: Cima Coa Coa (Alfaiates, Castelo Bom, Castelo Melhor e Castelo Rodrigo), Guarda, Santarém, Évora, Borba and Beja. In this article we will analyse this local source of common-laws with the aim of making a reflection about the origins, characteristics, processes of formation of the various corpora.
The Organization of the Church in the Iberian Peninsula: the Diocese of Coimbra (11th-12th Centuries)
Mário Jorge da Motta BASTOS
Original title: A estruturação da Igreja na Península Ibérica: a Diocese de Coimbra (sécs. XI-XII)
Keywords: Christianism, Church History, Diocese of Coimbra, Iberian Peninsula.
Is there an object of study concerning the medieval civilization more wide, complex, diverse and controversial than that we use to call Church? Without losing the perspective of the institution in its amplitude, we intend to address, in this article, the structuring process of the portucalense Church in the context of the wars of conquest and the progressive autonomation of the geopolitical space of the formation of the kingdom of Portugal, paying attention to the process of restoration of the dioceses liberated from the Islamic domain and to the trajectory of the diocese of Coimbra in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
Ways of thinking and acting: erudite culture at court and reordering of assistance in the reign of king D. João II (1481-1495) and D. Leonor (1481-1525)
André Costa Aciole da SILVA
Original title: Maneiras de pensar e de agir: a cultura erudita na corte e o reordenamento da assistência no reinado de D. João II (1481-1495) e D. Leonor (1481-1525)
Keywords: Assistance, Culture, Hospitals, Medicine, Portugal.
The theme of assisting those in need of material resources or spiritual support, and especially the sick, has been the focus of intense historiographical production. The following text points out an aspect that contributed to the reordering of assistance in Portugal at the end of the Middle Ages, focusing on the actions promoted by the monarchs of D. João II and his wife D. Leonor. Our objective is to show how the erudite culture in the court, as well as some external influences, helped to guide the creation of the royal hospitals in Lisbon (Hospital of All Saints) and Caldas da Rainha (Hospital Our Lady of Pópulo).
From Constable of Portugal to Nuno de Santa Maria: elements to construction of a saint
Renata Cristina de Sousa NASCIMENTO
Original title: Do Condestável de Portugal a Nuno de Santa Maria: elementos para a construção de um santo
Keywords: Holiness, Memory, Nuno de Santa Maria.
The Church has always celebrated the apostles and martyrs of Christ, who by their example strengthened the new religion. In this sense, holiness must be understood as a historical phenomenon, inserted in a very complex context, which gave the Christian religion its first foundations. In this text we aim to discuss some aspects related to the life and construction of a saint of medieval origin. São Nuno de Santa Maria became a saint through the canonical proclamation in April 2009.
Nobility and Diplomacy in Portugal (15th century)
Douglas Mota Xavier de LIMA
Original title: Nobreza e diplomacia em Portugal (séc. XV)
Keywords: Diplomacy, Nobility, Portugal.
From the studies of the new history of medieval diplomacy, the article addresses the participation of the nobility in diplomacy, considering the kingdom of Portugal in the fifteenth century, when the office of ambassador gained its first definitions in the West. The text discusses the role of the courtesan nobility, focusing attention on the Sousa and Silveira families, lineages with important presence in diplomacy.
Feasts, Theatre and Power
Lenora Pinto MENDES
Original title: Festa, Teatro e Poder
Keywords: City, Feasts, Monarchy.
The Avis Dynasty took power in Portugal in the fourteenth century with the support of the population of the cities of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra. From the beginning, it made use of the popular festivities as a form of support and legitimation. Throughout the entire dynasty, in the royal festivities the urban segments of the cities were present, reinforcing the vassal contract between the kings and the cities. In the reign of D. Manuel the theater will be part of this dynamic and will highlight Gil Vicente, first Portuguese playwright who acted in the courts of D. Manuel and D. João III, creating theatrical acts for the most important moments of the royal festivities such as births, coronations and funerals.
The role of Ephesus in the late antiquity from the period of Diocletian to 449AD the Robber Synod
Keywords: Council of Ephesus, Cyril of Alexandria, Diocletian, Edict of Thessalonica, Ephesus, Robber Synod, Temple of Artemis.
During the reign of Diocletian (284-305AD), Ephesus was reorganized on centralized and authoritarian lines down to the provincial level. A big part of the city was rebuilt by Constantine I. In 401AD after the Edict of Thessalonica from Emperor Theodosius I, the ruins of temple of Artemis was destroyed. The most important role of the city took place in 431AD. There, the Council of Ephesus was assembled by the Emperor Theodosius the younger to settle the contentions which had been raised in the Church by the heretical teaching of Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople. Finally, in 449AD another council took place the Robber Synod, which was condemned by the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon in 451.
Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, El Cid (1048-1099), very good knight and from great lineage
Original title: Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, El Cid (1048-1099), muy buen cauallero e de grande linaje
Keywords: Castile, El Cid, Estoria de España, Leon, chivalry.
This article proposes to analyze the image of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar constructed by Estoria de España of Alfonso X and as chronicles derived from it. Our research is concentrated not so much on the study of political and military abilities of El Cid, but mainly on the knightly model that is elaborated from its image by the chroniclers that represent a voice of the king in the analyzed historical works. According to the chronicles, Rodrigo acts as a vassal of the three kings (Fernando, Sancho and Alfonso) who succeed each other on the throne of Castile and Leon, constructing with each one of them peculiar relations that introduce to the reader or listener of history a wide spectrum of situations in which Rodrigo continues to remain within the line of behavior of an exemplary vassal.
Between Byzantium and Outremer: considerations on leprosy in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
Esteban Augusto GREIF
Original title: Entre Bizancio y Outremer: consideraciones sobre la lepra en el Reino Latino de Jerusalén
Keywords: Byzantium, Continuity, Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Leper.
In the last years, the comprehension and understanding of leprosy and the social place of the leper as a rejected and stigmatized subject from society during the Middle Ages, have change. In this way, had come to light a new interpretation that detached the integration of those who suffer this disease. Similarly, the view of the leprosarium as spaces of social segregation was revised. Besides, new investigations about the treatment of this disease in the world of the Eastern Mediterranean started to appear. However, the analysis of the circulation of knowledge and practices between the East and the West were not frequent. Thus, our proposal, it is located into this space and tries to comprehend which was the social treatment of leprosy and lepers from the byzantine world that impacted in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.
The Imaginary Tradition of the Divine Voice in The Quest for the Holy Grail: Salvation and Revelation
Alessandra Fabrícia Conde da SILVA; Pedro Carlos Louzada FONSECA
Original title: A tradição imaginária da voz divina em A Demanda do Santo Graal: salvação e revelação
Keywords: Divine Voice, Fisher King, Medieval Literature, Sister of Percival, The Quest for the Holy Grail.
The Divine Voice or voice without body appears in many episodes of The Quest for the Holy Grail, communicating with several characters in different ways. It represents one of the aspects of the medieval imaginary tradition present in the work. This article presents an overview of the manifestations of the Santa Voz, when in contact with several characters, especially with the sister maiden of Perceval and the Fisher King. And it shows what is special about this manifestation revealed to these characters. In the discussion of the theme the article argues on a possible rescue of the feminine figure within the scope of the medieval masculinist culture. For the accomplishment of this study, critical support was sought in Paul Zumthor, Gilbert Durand, Howard Bloch, Mario Pilosu, among other authors.
Bernat Metge and Ramon Llull in front of the Saracens
Original title: Bernat Metge y Ramon Llull frente a los sarracenos
Keywords: Bernat Metge, Humanisme, Middle Ages, Ramon Llull.
A passage from the book I of Bernat Metge’s Lo somni that had not been attended before, when hi is treating of the paradise of the Saracens, acquires a lucid sense with his reading in the shade of the Llibre del gentil e dels tres savis of Ramon Llull and under a humanistic interpretation. The systematic burlesque one of the barcelonian notary becomes clear across a source of traditional mentality: Ramon Martí. With it, Metge is anticipating the defense of the women, to which he will dedicate the books the III and IVth, as well as it signs his lulian adherence.
