Editorial: Reforming Humanity
Original title: Editorial: Reformando a Humanidade
Keywords: Bioethics, Gnosticism, Transhumanism.
This volume of Mirabilia Medicinæ journal brings one of the most pressing issues in Bioethics: Transhumanism and its pretension of reforming humanity.
Bioethics, Humanism, and Post-Humanism in XXI Century: In Search for a New Being?
Original title: Bioética, Humanismo e Pós-Humanismo no Século XXI: Em Busca de um Novo Ser?
Keywords: Bioethics, Humanism, Illuminism, Post-Humanism, Transhumanism.
This paper describes the historical and ideological origins of Transhumanism, heir to the Illuminist Ideology. Within a dialectical analysis, positive and negative aspects of Transhumanism are approached, engaging the historical experience within ethical, philosophical, and cultural fields of study within the Western societies.
Free Hugs: Humanized actions for reception of candidates in the admission exam for Medicine – Experience report
Luciano Antônio RODRIGES, Victor Hugo de Castro e SILVA, Pâmela de Sousa DIAS, Diego de Oliveira BENTO, Isabela Marques HYGINO, Eduarda Paes Fontoura Alves dos SANTOS
Original title: Abraços Grátis: Ações humanizadas de acolhimento de candidatos em vestibular de medicina – Relato de Experiência
Keywords: College Entrance, Free Hugs, Medical Humanities, Welcome.
The Free Hugs Company is a social movement that involve people who offer free hugs for strangers at public spaces. The "Free Hugs" was idealized in 2001 by an Australian called "Juan Mann" who had an objective to break the agitated routine of day-to-day with one unusual and uncommon act: to give hugs. Affording one way of permutation: sadness to happiness. Against the difficulties of getting into the university, like the value of the enrollment in college entrance, the distance of the family, and the tension and all the preparations that predates the arrival at the tests place, Free Hugs was developed by one group of academics of the course of medicine in UNESC during the college admission exam in 2015. This movement had the objective to establish a humanized host action, offering free hugs at the place of examination, demonstrating to the students who were going to do the test of college admission, recognizing their potential and efforts in that moment, and helping them to assuage anxiety.
Application of Restorative Justice for Cases of Animal Abuse
Maria Madalena Soares de Souza ESTEVES, André Marcelo M. SOARES
Original title: Aplicação da Justiça Restaurativa Para Casos de Maus-Tratos Animais
Keywords: Animals, Environment, Sex Offenses, Socialization.
This article analyzes the application feasibility of restorative justice to cases of bestiality and animal abuse, considering it to be a form of justice’s promotion that does not overlap with the current model, and which can be exercised by the Judiciary as a procedural stage, and still to involve, besides the victim itself, others affected. First, the legal nature of subhuman animals was analyzed, then the concept of the new model of justice, and, finally, the theoretical reference of social reconstruction.