Valencian spoken loanwords in trilingual documentation of the Moriscos of Llombai (Valence, 16th century)
Préstamos del valenciano hablado en documentación trilingüe de Llombai (Valencia, siglo XVI)
Published in New lights on research about Arab-Islamic Culture in the Muslim West along Classical epoch
Keywords: 16th century, Aljamiado, Moriscos, Valence, Valencianism loanwords.
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04.05.pdfThe present paper highlights the linguistic contact of the Moriscos’ aljama of Llombai (Valence, s. XVI) with the dominant romance language of their neighbourhood and epoch. Are presented accounting texts loaded with linguistic loans (in this occasion, valencian terms written in Arabic characters). The manuscripts serve to open another field of research on the linguistic, social and economic realities of the Morisco community of the Marquisate of Llombai.