Conjunctions and prepositions in the 16th century. Uses in a Mallorcan math book
Original title: Conjuncions i preposicions al segle XVI. Usos en un tractat d'aritmètica mallorquí
Published in
Keywords: 16th century, Arithmetic, Catalan language, Conjunctions, Prepositions.
In this article, we study the conjunctions and prepositions that appear in Joan Ventallol’s Pràtica mercantívol, which was published in Lyon in 1521. This text, which was initially released in Catalan and later translated into Spanish in Tarragona (1619), enables us to study the language that was used for non-aesthetic purposes within the field of applied mathematics. Alongside our classification of the conjunctions and study of their main uses, we analyse the unstressed prepositions of the Catalan language a/en, de/amb, per/per a and we catalogue the stressed prepositions that we have observed in the above-mentioned publication. These connections contribute to our general knowledge of the use of the Catalan language for non-literary purposes during the 16th.
Lletraferides in the convent, a female writing in the 16th century
Original title: Lletraferides als convents, una escriptura femenina al segle XVI
Published in
Keywords: 16th century, Catalan literary canon, Gender perspective, Jerónima d'Aragó, Lletraferides, Valencia, Women creators.
This article analyzes the importance of the «lletraferides» in the Catalan literary canon. This research goes deep into making visible the production of these women who directly or indirectly intervened in the literary praxis. Recognizing these leading figures is essential to be able to better understand society at that time and the literary fact. To unmask the literary praxis developed by these religious women, the inclusion of the gender perspective becomes apparent, since this methodology seems to echo the feminine literary fact despised by patriarchal normalization. Among these «lletraferides» we will emphasize Jerònima d’Aragó, since she is the promoter of the first version in the Iberian Peninsula to the Tractat dels diàlogos de la seràfica Caterina de Sena. The relevance of the holy Sienese throughout Europe is fundamental to the new way of understanding spirituality.
Valencian spoken loanwords in trilingual documentation of the Moriscos of Llombai (Valence, 16th century)
Original title: Préstamos del valenciano hablado en documentación trilingüe de Llombai (Valencia, siglo XVI)
Published in
Keywords: 16th century, Aljamiado, Moriscos, Valence, Valencianism loanwords.
The present paper highlights the linguistic contact of the Moriscos’ aljama of Llombai (Valence, s. XVI) with the dominant romance language of their neighbourhood and epoch. Are presented accounting texts loaded with linguistic loans (in this occasion, valencian terms written in Arabic characters). The manuscripts serve to open another field of research on the linguistic, social and economic realities of the Morisco community of the Marquisate of Llombai.