¿Qué quedó del Paraíso?
Ricardo da COSTA
Original title: ¿Qué quedó del Paraíso?
Special Issue
To be here and now. Study of the time and the space in the Viatge al Purgatori nomenat de Sant Patrici written by Ramon de Perellós i de Roda (c. 1350-1424)
Original title: Ser aquí y ahora. Estudio del tiempo y del espacio en el Viatge al Purgatori nomenat de Sant Patrici de Ramon de Perellós i de Roda (c. 1350-1424)
Keywords: Medieval Time-Space, Purgatory, Ramon de Perellós.
This paper analyzes the temporal and spatial dimensions of the work of Ramon de Perellós referred to his journey to Saint Patrick’s Purgatory. Firstly, real, and imaginary-marvellous spheres are studied by separated to detach its meanings. Afterwards its contents are synthesized to obtain a panoramic view. Finally, these ideas are extrapolated to its historical context. By doing so, some conclusions are developed with the aim of connecting this work with the general transformations that take place in the Christian society of the medieval Western Europe.
The Paradise in Lo somni by Bernat Metge (c. 1340-1413)
Original title: El Paradís en Lo somni de Bernat Metge (c. 1340-1413)
Keywords: Bernat Metge, Humanism, Llibre del gentil e dels tres savis, Lo somni, Ramon Llull.
The concept of Paradise is analyzed in Lo somni, the great humanist dialogue by the notary of the chancellery of Barcelona, Bernat Metge, from the perspective of different religions and traditions (Catholic, Classical, Saracen doctrine and Christianity). The observation also makes it possible to calibrate the strong influence of the Mallorca Philosopher Ramon Llull, who is confirmed behind the origins of the humanist movement, as well as underlines the very peculiar techniques, the intensity of his critical sense and especially the intimate classicist bond. Still, he advances positions which are current issues.
Fall and redemption of the knight in Curial e Güelfa
Original title: Caída y redención del caballero en Curial e Güelfa
Keywords: Anthropocentrism, Chivalric novel, Curial e Güelfa, Fifteenth Century, Italian Humanism.
In this paper we propose a reading of the Catalan chivalric novel Curial e Güelfa, following the moral itinerary of the hero from the perspective of the Scriptures, with the intention of adequately assessing the profane character of the text, in our opinion, primarily anthropocentric, secular, and pagan, linked to an Italian humanistic context.
Paradise (c. 1551-1554) as royal scenery: approach to La Gloria, by Titian, in the historical-biographical context of Charles V
Carlos Jesús SOSA RUBIO
Original title: El Paraíso (c. 1551-1554) como escenografía regia: aproximación a La Gloria, de Tiziano, en el contexto histórico-biográfico de Carlos V
Keywords: Arianism, Charles V, Eschatology, Iconography, Propaganda, Religious Conflicts, Titian.
La Gloria, also called Il Paradiso by Tiziano Vecellio, its author, is perhaps the greatest pictorial creation that the Venetian created during his last years of service to Emperor Charles V. Although it has been defined as a work where the coexistence of the theological, eschatological and dynastic factors reaches the character of a paradigm, and even though its greatness goes beyond the format, there are still numerous doubts that hang around it, fundamentally related to the motif represented, the identity of quite a few characters and the reasons that led to their commission. This research compiles and expands some of the assessments made throughout the history of the canvas, trying to shed a light on doubtful aspects and, along with the religious and private motivations as the driving force of its commission, also allude to those of ideological roots, given the context of religious wars and turbulence of faith in which Titian executed his creation.
Arcadian Edens, Edenic Paradises and Salvific Gardens
Original title: Edenes arcádicos, paraísos edénicos y jardines salvíficos
Keywords: Arcadia, Eden, Hortus Conclusus, Paradise, Utopia.
Eden or Paradise is one the most disseminated concepts in Christendom and the western world. From its Persian origin, this article traces its development through its Arcadian classical manifestations, its medieval modification as hortus conclusus and its pastoral and utopian elements in the Renaissance.
Transactions from beyond life: wills with votes in favor of souls in Portuguese-Brazilian society in the crisis of the Ancien Régime (1700-1750)
Venceslau Tavares COSTA FILHO
Original title: Negócios do Além: testamentos em sufrágio das almas na sociedade luso-brasileira na crise do Antigo Regime (1700-1750)
Keywords: Economy of Salvation, Inheritance Law, Social practices, Wills.
This article aims to discuss the use of wills with clauses on the suffrage of souls in the context of the economy of salvation in the first half of the 18th century in Brazil.
Conversio ad creaturam and distentio animi: Considerations on non-being in the problems of evil and time in Augustine of Hippo
Bento Silva SANTOS; Adriano BERALDI
Original title: Conversio ad creaturam e distentio animi: Considerações sobre o não-ser nos problemas do mal e do tempo em Agostinho de Hipona
The present article is dedicated to trace thoughts about some identifiable correspondences between Augustine of Hippo's conceptions of evil and of time through the indication of a relation between the movements of the voluntary defection of the will and the dispersion in the temporal mutability of the human creature in its link with non-being. To this end, some aspects of these conceptions will be examined both as worked out in De libero arbitrio and those elaborated in the Confessions, more specifically in Book XI (and to a certain extent in X), both works of the hyponensis where they appear, we believe, mutually implicated through the notions of conversio ad creaturam and distentio animi respectively.
Kumbi Ṣāliḥ. An example of twin city. The zenith and the fall
Original title: Kumbi Ṣāliḥ. Un ejemplo de ciudad gemela. Auge y caída
Keywords: African values, Bilād as-Sudān, Ghana and Almoravids, Islam, Kumbi Ṣāliḥ.
The concept of twin city which, many times, is considered specifically African but, however, has its origin in the rise of Islam in territories such as Iraq and Egypt. The aim of this article is nothing but reflexing about this concept using the example of the ancient city of Kumbi Ṣāliḥ. Along the following lines there will be exposed some ideas as the origin of the city, its rise related to its condition of capital of the Kingdom of Ghana, the relation between Islamic and traditional African values and the causes of the decline that ends with the abandon of this place at the beginning of the 13th century. In addition, there will be used some sorts of resources such as archaeological discoveries, written records, and other piece of historical works. Finally, this essay has the proposal of using these resources in a complementary way.
The stone vault and the ivy leaves: the Cantiga 65 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria by King Afonso X (13th century)
Bárbara DANTAS
Original title: A abóbada de pedra e as folhas de hera: a Cantiga 65 das Cantigas de Santa Maria do rei Afonso X (século XIII)
Keywords: Afonso X, Cantigas de Santa Maria, Medieval Art., Vault.
This work analyses the text and images of the Cantiga 65 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria by the Castilian king Afonso X with the aim of demonstrating how the vaults of medieval sanctuaries relate to the ivy leaves and the main character of this Cantiga, an excommunicated man who wandered across half the world to receive from the Virgin herself the grace of redemption, in addition to glimpsing the immortality of faith and friendship in an abandoned church, already covered by vast foliage.
Aquinas’ Reading of the Aristotelian Noetic Doctrine in De Anima 3, 5
Original title: La Lectura de Santo Tomás de la Doctrina Noética Aristotélica en De Anima 3, 5
Keywords: Active Intellect, Immateriality, Passive Intellect, Possible Intellect, Theory of intellect.
The goal of this paper is to show that Saint Thomas Aquinas’ reading of the Aristotelian text in the treatise On the Soul (Περὶ Ψυχῆς, De Anima) regarding the nature of the human intellective faculty – especially in the critical passage of Book III – is not only true to Aristotle’s intentions, but is also more correct and complete than the one put forward by many of Aquinas’ modern critics, who only admit in Aristotelian doctrine a passive intellect and an active intellect.
A New Approach to the Biography of Pedro Jiménez de Samper, a Knight Deployed in the Border in the Service of Pedro IV of Aragon (ca. 1314-1364)
Original title: Una nueva aproximación a la biografía de Pedro Jiménez de Samper, un caballero de frontera al servicio de Pedro IV de Aragón (ca. 1314-1364)
Keywords: 14th Century, Crown of Aragon, Military History, Nobility, Peter IV of Aragon, Social History, War.
Pedro Jiménez de Samper was a prominent member of the Aragon’s middle nobility, who lived during the central decades of the 14th century and developed an intense military career in the service of King Peter IV of Aragon, the Ceremonious. In this text, we offer a revised and expanded version of his biography, which we first published in 2008 in this journal’s number 8. The current version preserves the original text while incorporating new content, which refers to all the stages of Samper’s life and allows us to considerably widen the repertoire of issues previously addressed. Among the most important new features presented here are the location of his family origins, the identification of his clientele networks and the dating of his death. The result is a case study that provides an accurate illustration of the relationship between aristocracy and war in the Crown of Aragon in this period of the late Middle Ages.
Figures of Speech in Garcia de Resende’s (1470-1536) Cancioneiro Geral
Geraldo Augusto FERNANDES
Original title: As figuras de linguagem no Cancioneiro Geral de Garcia de Resende (1470-1536)
Keywords: Figurae, Garcia de Resende’s Cancioneiro Geral, Humanism, Poems of mixed forms, Rhetoric.
The studies of Rhetoric and the use of its resources began to emerge during Humanism in Portugal. These were made or found in the libraries of monarchs and princes, as well as in monasteries. But Rhetoric also becomes a discipline that will be key for the nation to commune with humanistic precepts which is spreading throughout Europe with the aim of forming the human person, physically, intellectually, and morally. This advent, which took place from the fifteenth century onwards, also focuses on the literature developed in the palace evenings. In this study, the use of rhetorical devices shows how it interferes in poetics, especially the one developed in Garcia de Resende’s Cancioneiro Geral, from which I extracted the many examples of these embellishing means (of oratory and poetics, as Quintiliano says), all of which are apparent in the poems of mixed forms. What I propose is to present the examples taken from the Resende’s songbook, listing the resources, and showing them in the poems of the compilation. Quintilian and the anonymous of the Rhetorica ad Herennium will be collated with the studies of Juan Casas Rigall, Heinrich Lausberg, Baltasar Gracián, Nair Nazaré Castro Soares, Maria Isabel Moran Cabanas, Antonio de Nebrija, among others.
From Palma to Princeton: Reconstruction and translation of the (lost) Gothic-Renaissance staircase of Calle del Agua
Original title: De Palma a Princeton: Reconstrucción y traducción de la escalinata (perdida) gótico-renacentista de la Calle del Agua
Keywords: Architecture, Gothic-Renaissance, Heritage, Inscriptions, Mallorca, Medieval Catalan, Princeton University Art Museum, Reconstruction, Restoration, Translation.
In this paper, the staircase on Calle del Agua in Palma de Mallorca, previously considered lost, is studied from its documented Gothic-Renaissance historical context by Domenge Mesquida and Byne to its heritage significance. Specifically, it explains my experience as a researcher with the staircase, having to face complex challenges in identifying, reconstructing, and translating into English the inscriptions that adorn it. For the first time, the transcription and translation of the text on the stairway –medieval Catalan prayers– are presented, accompanied by photographs, thus highlighting its cultural and spiritual relevance. The collaboration of the curator from the Princeton University Art Museum in this significant discovery of Mallorca's architectural legacy is also acknowledged.
Cervantes’ Ginés de Pasamonte and his literary descendants: from The Pretended Aunt to Manuel Mújica Láinez
Jesús Fernando CÁSEDA TERESA
Original title: El Ginés de Pasamonte cervantino y su descendencia literaria: de La tía fingida a Manuel Mújica Láinez
Keywords: Castillo Solórzano, Ginés de Pasamonte, La tía fingida, Mújica Láinez, Quevedo.
The study establishes how, as a result of a misreading of the episode of Ginés de Pasamonte in Don Quixote, a state of opinion was born that was later reflected in various relevant literary texts of the time, in poems by Quevedo, also in his Buscón or in the text of Avellaneda. This study also analyzes the presence of the Bracamonte family in comedies by Alonso de Castillo Solórzano, in the picaresque novel by Gregorio Guadaña and in La tía fingida, an anonymous work whose presence of this family is very significant in order to affirm or question the authorship of the work by Miguel de Cervantes. In the 20th century, Manuel Mújica Láinez associated the Bracamonte family with the rogues through the protagonist of his historical novel D. Galaz de Buenos Aires, halfway between the Lazarillesque genre and that of the novels of chivalry.