Luciana Rosar Fornazari KLANOVICZ
History handbooks and medieval education: Middle Ages historiography, proximities and distances
Os manuais de História da Educação e a educação medieval: aproximações e distanciamentos na historiografia sobre Idade Média
Published in Aristocracy and nobility in the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Keywords: education, Historiography, History handbooks, Middle Ages.
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This article addresses interpretations on medieval education available in Education History handbooks in the light of a historiography reading on the topic. Therefore, Paul Monroe’s História da Educação, Edward Myers’ La educación en la perspectiva de la historia, Mario Manacorda’s História da educação, and Franco Cambi’s História da Pedagogia have been analyzed. Amidst any discourse disputes, knowledge on Middle Ages within Education History has also been losing quality or becoming rather symbolic in physical space or time periods, in order to guarantee the identification of western civilization with secularization, progress, and civilization conceived as the ideal society meant to be constructed for the contemporary age.