Moisés Romanazzi TÔRRES
Original title: Apresentação
Special Issue
The holiness of the hagiographies Venancius Fortunatus
Ruy de Oliveira ANDRADE FILHO, João Paulo CHARRONE
Original title: A santidade nas hagiografias de Venâncius Fortunatus
Keywords: Christianity, Hagiography, Problem, Sanctity, Venantius Fortunatus.
We chose to do a quick presentation about the authenticity of hagiographies of Venantius Fortunatus. Then began a debate on the concept of holiness and medieval saint. After this discussion, which this author worked with two main models of holiness: the acetic-monastic and episcopal. The first model is present in hagiographies devoted to Patern and Radegund. In these descriptions abound this lifestyle choice: the pursuit of withdrawal from the world, the martyrdom, miracles and temptations related to this kind of choice. However, their hagiographies have, in most cases, the model of episcopal sanctity. In this model, the sanctity appears as a condition for becoming a bishop, and more, the miraculous virtue is clearly a feature of such positions.
Reflections of a woman before Hildegard – Christian martyrdom aspects in the work of Rosvita von Gandersheim
Original title: Reflexiones de una mujer antes de Hildegarda – aspectos del martirio cristiano en la obra de Rosvita von Gandersheim
Keywords: Christian martyrdom, Medieval Culture, Medieval Literature, Roswhita von Gandersheim, The Holy Roman Empire.
Roswhita von Gandersheim (tenth century) is considered, the magistra bingensis earlier, the first female voice in literature in German-speaking lands. During its existence, the canonisa wrote epic texts, legends and six theatrical plays, to be represented within the convents, and perhaps also an external audiences. Her classical theater latin culture, specifically of Terence, it was quite helpful in their theatrical texts, in which the artistic knowledge was united their purpose of evangelization. Among the various themes that we noted in Roswhita theatrical plays, calls our attention to the presentation of the concept of martyrdom. Leaving, therefore, a discussion about the ecllesiastical meaning of the word, will get a brief exemplification in Gandersheim theatrical texts, with the intention of showing only with religious language, but mainly with the linguistic record of their texts, an indisputable tool to solidify the Christian virtues in the world in which he lived.
The Disdacalicon of Hugh of St. Victor – Rules of reading as norms of life
Maria Simone Marinho NOGUEIRA
Original title: O Didascálicon de Hugo de São Vítor – Regras de leitura enquanto normas de vida
Keywords: Reading − Rules − Method − Moral Discipline..
In the present text looks to make a reflection about some established norms in the Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victor, seeking to show that these overwhelm the idea of a simple normativity and, in turn, recover themselves as a true moral discipline.
The concept of contemplation in medieval monastic education: reflections on Bernard of Clairvaux
Terezinha OLIVEIRA, Rita de Cássia PIZOLI
Original title: O conceito de contemplação na educação monástica medieval: reflexões sobre Bernardo de Claraval
Keywords: Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercians, Monastic Education.
This article reflects on the thought of Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) in order to understand the dynamics of the Cistercian monastic education and its influence in the educational process in century XII. In light of social history, the first part presents some aspects of the social structures of medieval christian west, relating the broader context with the Cistercian monastic reform proposal that forwarded the Church for an important moment against the temporal power, with Pope Innocent III (1198-1216). Bernardo of Clairvaux became a part key of the church reform that was in course, from the gregorian reform and has in contact with all the importants points of the conflicts politicians of its time. Its letters and its writhings disclose the dynamics between action and contemplation that if became its life and, by means of them, we can perceive the influence in the direction of the society, that if wants guided in the values of the authenticity of the love, conscience of itself, taste for the pureness spiritual and the affirmation of the dignity of the man as image and similarity of God. This vision Christian humanist and the valuation of the knowledge as conscience of itself, were the basis for the mystical movement developed by the Cistercians. Finally, the text presents reflections on the Sermon on the Vigil of Christmas to explain the devotion to the humanity of Jesus as one of the theological basis for learning the route of ascent to contemplation, as understood by the monks developed psychic ability to achieve affection and unity between reason.
Ascensio in Deum per vestigia et in vestigiis. The St. Bonaventure’s immanent Aesthetics and its possible reflections in the iconography of the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi
Original title: Ascensio in Deum per vestigia et in vestigiis. La Estética inmanente de San Buenaventura y sus posibles reflejos en la iconografía de la Basílica de San Francisco en Asís
Keywords: Aesthetics, Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Created world, God, Iconography, Medieval Philosophy, St. Bonaventure, Vestige.
In his Itinerarium mentis in Deum (1259), St. Bonaventure (1221-1274) discusses the six degrees (with a seventh of ecstatic enjoyment) by which man can and should ascend from the created world to contemplate God. In this paper we will analyze only the first two grades of this Itinerarium, which constitute both of them what we might call the “immanent aesthetic” of St. Bonaventure. Highlighting then two of the central theses of this “immanent aesthetic”, we shall try to show the possible reflections that these theses may have had in the iconography of some frescoes in the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi.
The Cluny Unicorn from Sero te amavi
Original title: El unicornio de Cluny desde el Sero te amavi
Keywords: Cluny, Sero te amavi, Unicorn.
The author tested a reflection on the role of sensuality in Augustinian thought about a work of art medieval tapestries “The Lady and the Unicorn” in the National Museum of the Middle Ages, in Cluny. To do this, first, remember the bill of the work, its dating and arrangement, noting also the main interpretations of which was the object. Secondly, on the basis of medieval symbolism, describes and analyzes each of the six tapestries that comprise, in which, according to the traditional interpretation, see represented the external senses, reserving for the end the enigmatic sixth tapestry, In third, it refers also to other parts of the Augustinian work, the book X of the Confessions, centered on Sero te amavi you to highlight some points of Augustine's thought, some underlined, and shows that they agree a variant in the traditional interpretation of these famous medieval tapestries. Finally, summarizes his conclusions, emphasizing the character of mere exercise proposed hermeneutic interpretation.
The language in the medieval scholasticism
Ivanaldo SANTOS
Original title: A linguagem na escolástica medieval
Keywords: Language, Medieval, Problem, Scholasticism, Thomas Aquinas.
This article aims introducing the problem of the language in the medieval scholasticism, specifically in the work by Tomás de Aquino, thinker of greater notoriety in the scholasticism. In order to achieve this goal this article was divided in two parts: 1) The medieval scholasticism; 2) The language in the thought of Tomás de Aquino. Finally, it is confirmed that is necessary perceive that the medieval scholasticism provided relevant discussions about themes that centuries later, guided the modernity, for example, the method, the logic and the language.
The Scholasticism – considerations about your internal unity and diversity
José D’Assunção BARROS
Original title: A Escolástica – considerações sobre sua unidade e diversidade interna
Keywords: Medieval Culture, Scholasticism, University.
The mainly purpose of this article is to discuss comparatively some historiography positions concerning to the interaction between Scholastic and the social-historical developments of the medieval period, examining this interaction on the point of view from the Cultural History. Among the questions examined, an important point is the relation between Scholastic and University, as also the correspondence between the transformations inside the Scholastic thought and the passages from the medieval period of feudal expansion (XI-XIII centuries) to the feudal crisis from the XIV and XV centuries.
Reasoned Discussion in Scholasticism Philosophy
João Eduardo Pinto Basto LUPI
Original title: O método de argumentação na Filosofia Escolástica
Keywords: Argument, Medieval Philosophy, Method, Scholasticism.
Philosophy, as it was developed in medieval Universities, was methodological structured in a didatic way, which named Philosophy as Scholastic. This method was not created at the same time as Universities, but it has been formed along the existence of Philosophy. Practically all previous methods of research and exposition merged in Scholastic Philosophy, but a new organization joined them in a peculiar form, thus establishing Philosophy and Theology as sciences.
Naturalism in Averroes and its implications for the relationship between Philosophy and Religion
Original title: El naturalismo en Averroes y sus consecuencias para la relación entre Filosofía y Religión
Keywords: Averroes, Fideism, Naturalism, Philosophy, Religion.
The purpose of these pages is to present Averroes’ opinion concerning the possibility of supernatural events, as well as its consequences to the relationship that, according to that wise Cordobese, should exist between philosophy and religion. To this end, we will take into account certain central aspects of Averroes’ thought, especially his famous debate with Algazel (the Tahafut al Tahafut) and his Decisive Treatise (Fasl al Maqal).
The Historical Development of the Logica vetus
Guilherme WYLLIE
Original title: A evolução histórica da Logica vetus
Keywords: History of Logic, History of Philosophy, Logica Vetus, Medieval Logic, Medieval Philosophy.
This paper is a historical survey of the logica vetus, which is distinguished by characterizing and contextualizing the main contributions of the most significant logicians of that period.
Vision of Tnugdal. Harmony, Paradise and Salvation in Medieval Beyond
Adriana ZIERER, Solange Pereira OLIVEIRA
Original title: A Visão de Túndalo. Harmonia, Paraíso e Salvação no Além Medieval
Keywords: Christianism., Imaginary Journey, Paradise, Salvation, Vision of Tnugdal.
Medieval Church spread various narratives of imaginary journeys which describe the environment reserved to the elected souls in post-mortem in the space of Heaven. Vision of Tnugdal, example of those narratives, from anonymous authorship, produced in the 12 th century, was translated to Portuguese in the 15th century and give us the symbolic description of Heaven in Medieval Beyond. In this text, the knight Tnugdal, guided by an angel, runs through the various the paths of Celestial Kingdom, divided in the Walls of Silver, Gold and Precious Stones, where are placed the faire souls who possess Christian virtues. To earn and enjoy the things that those spaces offered, the Catholic Church spread ideal models of behavior, since its conception, for the faithful ones achieve eternal salvation in Celestial Paradise.
The Funeral in the Monastery of Batalha
Renata Cristina de Sousa NASCIMENTO
Original title: As Exéquias Fúnebres no Mosteiro da Batalha
Keywords: Death, Imaginary, Pantheon, Rites, Symbolic Power.
The aim of this article is to analyze the funeral rites as a power representation. In this path was elected the narratives about the royal exequies occurred at Santa Maria da Vitória’s (Batalha) Monastery in XV century. The chronics talks about the importance of the funeral’s cerimonials happened at the Monastery. The “departure” of kings also showed the great religious pomp lived in the interior of the batalinho yard to D. João II. The Royal Pantheon of the Battle has a great symbolic and political importance, specially related to Avis’ Dinasty (1385-1581).
The legislative panorama of the territories of the Castile’s Crown in the beginning of the reign of Alfonso X, The Wise
Jaime Estevão dos REIS
Original title: O panorama legislativo dos territórios da Coroa de Castela no início do reinado de Alfonso X, o Sábio
Keywords: Alfonso X, Castile, Legislation, León, Territories.
This article has the objective of discussing the effective legislation in the territories of the Castile’s Crown in the beginning of the reign of Alfonso X, The Wise (1252-1284). In the middle of the thirteenth century, the territories belonging to the kingdoms of Castile and León, unified in 1230, by Fernando III (1217-1252), father of Alfonso X, had their own legislation, without a unity among the several juridical codes. In the kingdom of León, as well as in the territories belonging to him, the rights originating from the visigothic Liber Iudiciorum remained. In the territories of the Castile’s kingdom, the old Castilian right was in force, the Fuero Viejo of Castilla, codified in the beginning of the thirteenth century for Alfonso VIII (1158-1214). In the Andalusia territories that were incorporated to the Castilian crown by Fernando III, the Fuero Juzgo ruled, adapted to the local reality. The main task of Alfonso XI in the beginning of his reign was the one of idealizing a project of juridical unification of the several codes on going in the territories of the Castile’s Crown.

RAMON LLULL. Libro de los correlativos
Fernando ZALAMEA
Original title: RAMON LLULL. Libro de los correlativos
Keywords: Filosofia medieval, Liber correlativorum innatorum, Ramon Llull.