Two poetic loose sheets of War of the Reapers (1640-1652/59)
Dos plecs solts poètics de la Guerra dels Segadors (1640-1652/59)
Published in New Approaches in the Research on the Crown of Aragon
Keywords: Baroque, Catalan Literature, Critical edition, Modern Age, Political literature.
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This project has as an objective the critical editing of two letters written anonymously in thematically related heptasyllabic verses, with little time difference. These two letters, Carta que ha enviada la vila de Perpinyà a Cathalunya, ahont va contant totas sas desdichas and Resposta que fa Cataluña a una carta que li ha enviada la vila de Perpiñà, ab la qual plora las desdichas pateix en recompensa de innumerables servicis, which are propagandistic poetic broadsheets dated 1641, were intended to transmit political ideas related to the Catalan Revolt (1640-1652/59). In this regard, the project attempts to contribute to the recovery of political literature from this period by editing texts that until now could only be found in two documents from the XVII century, contextualizing them in this warlike incident.