Bernat Metge, moralist: the degraded woman, exponent of the hatred and human suffering in his time
Original title: Bernat Metge, moralista: la dona degradada, exponent de l’odi i del mal humà en el seu temps
Published in
Keywords: Bernat Metge, Catalan Literature, Humanism, Middle Ages, Moral.
Metge offers a new vision of women and their entity, which shifts the medieval as a result of contempt and, at the same time, is his prototypes of hatred. To this end, he portrays the most disgusting ad degrades version, which comes from the Corbaccio, followed by an exquisite gallery of women, inspired by classics. In fact, it is a moral reform, which pictured with the rejection of the misogyny and of the petrarquesque ethics towards love, which was the deformation of the agustinian and confirmed the traditional morality.
Català de Valleriola’s (1568-1608) memory in the bibliography from XVIth to XXth century
Original title: La memòria de Català de Valleriola (1568-1608) en la bibliografia del segle XVI al XX
Published in
Keywords: 16th Century, Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Valencia.
This paper provides a general view of the memory which the subsequent bibliographers left about Bernat Català de Valleriola in their works from the XVIth to the XXth.
Critical Edition and Analysis of La vida de sanct Honofre (The Life of Saint Onofre), Published in Valencia at the Beginning of the 16th Century
Original title: Edició filològica i breu comentari de La vida de sanct Honofre, publicada a València a principis del segle XVI
Published in
Keywords: 14th-16th c., Catalan Literature, Edition, Life of Saint Onofre, Valencia.
This article provides a study and philological edition of the Vida de sanc Honofre based on the 16th-c. princeps text. Although there exist previous modern editions of this work, none of them offers a critical text nor have been adequately disseminated for a wider audience. The introductory study analyses the date of composition of this work, its literary sources, and its process of composition.
Nosce teipsum in Ramon Llull’s work
Original title: Nosce teipsum en l’obra de Ramon Llull
Published in Ramon Llull. Seventh centenary
Keywords: Anthropology, Catalan Literature, Ethics, Medieval Philosophy, Middel Ages, Ramon Llull, Theology.
Even though the presence of the Delphic precept «γνῶθι σαυτόν» («nosce teipsum») in Ramon Llull’s work is scarce, the research done in the present study reaches a twofold conclusion: firstly, the master's knowledge of the precept; secondly, the importance he gave to it in some central passages of his production.
Regarding about Dietari from Català de Valeriola (1568-1608)
Original title: A propòsit del Dietari de Català de Valeriola (1568-1608)
Published in
Keywords: Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Sixteenth century, Valencia.
This paper provides a general overview of one of the figures of sixteenth century Valencian literature, Bernat Català de Valeriola, and his lesser well-known diary, one of the best examples of the Valencian memorialistic works of that period.
The introduction of Humanism in the Iberian Peninsula
Original title: La introducción del Humanismo en la Península Ibérica
Published in Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Peninsula Cultural History
Keywords: Catalan Literature, Cultural change of fifteenth century, Humanism, Iberian Peninsula.
Summary statement of the reception of Humanist movement in the Iberian Peninsula, which is introduced by the Crown of Aragon. Apart from a few preconceptions about their appearance, characterization, proccess, and current critical situation, the theme focuses on the main production of Humanistic character in Catalan, highlighting Bernat Metge by its prominence and be receiver the very first impact.
The marriage of Bernat Català de Valleriola: from prison to legitimacy
Original title: El matrimoni de Bernat Català de Valleriola: de la presó a la legitimitat
Published in
Keywords: 16th Century, Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Valencia.
This paper provides a general view of the process involving the marriage of Bernat Català de Valleriola (1568-1607) with Constança Rabassa de Perellós, against the will of his father-in-law Gener Rabassa de Perellós. The process was reflected not only by Valleriola’s diary but also by subsequent lawsuits.
The psychology of the envious: an episode of Curial and Guelfa
Armando Alexandre dos SANTOS
Original title: A psicologia dos invejosos: um episódio de Curial e Guelfa
Published in
Keywords: Catalan Literature, Curial and Guelfa, Envy, Psychology envious.
Analysis of an episode of the novel Curial and Guelfa, in which the psychology and the way of acting of the envious are especially focused.
The step from Philosophy to Ethics: Ramón Llull and Bernat Metge
Original title: El paso de la Filosofía a la Ética: Ramón Llull y Bernat Metge
Published in
Keywords: Bernat Metge, Catalan Literature, Humanisme of the Crown of Aragon, Middle Ages, Ramon Llull.
At the beginning of the secular philosophy, there is the transition from Philosophy to Ethics, which inaugurated in the thirteenth century Ramon Llull, who assimilates Bernat Metge in his humanistic dialogue Lo somni in the next century. It will involve the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern, passing from Humanism to the Renaissance.
Two poetic loose sheets of War of the Reapers (1640-1652/59)
Original title: Dos plecs solts poètics de la Guerra dels Segadors (1640-1652/59)
Published in
Keywords: Baroque, Catalan Literature, Critical edition, Modern Age, Political literature.
This project has as an objective the critical editing of two letters written anonymously in thematically related heptasyllabic verses, with little time difference. These two letters, Carta que ha enviada la vila de Perpinyà a Cathalunya, ahont va contant totas sas desdichas and Resposta que fa Cataluña a una carta que li ha enviada la vila de Perpiñà, ab la qual plora las desdichas pateix en recompensa de innumerables servicis, which are propagandistic poetic broadsheets dated 1641, were intended to transmit political ideas related to the Catalan Revolt (1640-1652/59). In this regard, the project attempts to contribute to the recovery of political literature from this period by editing texts that until now could only be found in two documents from the XVII century, contextualizing them in this warlike incident.